演员, 模特儿
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519 的 14:28

[Video: http://hk.youtube.com/watch?v=4LvIVRdmB-k


5月19日 .. 下年二時二十八分 ..

在家中 .. 抱著我愛的兩隻小狗 ..

看著新聞的直播 .. 靜默著 ..

為四川的災民默哀三分鐘 ..

腦海中 .. 突然覺得自己是何其幸福 ..

原來 .. 存在自己內心的不快樂 ..

也只是執著 .. 恐懼及沒勇氣 ..

那些負面性的力量 .. 拖垮著自己 ..

相比四川災民痈失家人 , 家國 ..

哀傷 , 徬徨的心情 ..

自己所謂的不快樂又是何事呢 ??

今天 .. 很開心 .. 收到一長輩回電 ..

他只知道我和知己們籌募捐款 ..

答應捐出六位數字的款項 ..

心是感動的 ..

希望災難同胞堅強的活下去 ..

若你們能收到我們的祝福 ..

只想告知你們 ..

全世界有華人的地方也支持著你們啊 !!

May 19th, 2:28pm.

As I held my two beloved dogs at home, I watch the evening news on the screen in silence.  Leaving 3 minutes of silence for the victims of the earthquake in Sichuen.  In my mind, I suddenly realized that I am living such a happy life.  It turns out that the unhappiness in my heart was only a case of fear and cowardice.  These negative power only drag onto myself.  How can I compare my own unhappiness to the victims of the Sichuan earthquake disaster who have lost their loved ones, the current state of the country and their complicated feelings at the moment?  I was happy today.  I received a phone call from a respected elder.  He only knew that my friends and I have been gathering money for donation.  So he has promised to donate another 6 digit amount for the cause.  I was rather touched.  I hope the victims can be strong and live on.  If you've received our blessings, I just want all of you to know that Chinese people all around the world are supporting you!

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Hong Kong
August 7, 2007