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Winnie Leung
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A Hard-Fought Battle|難打的一場仗|难打的一场仗

I suddenly don't feel at ease today...it's rather strange... Turns out that it's been a month already... This month has gone by rather slowly!! It feels more like three months.. The sea waves have brought back the grounded fish again and again. When will they safely survive in a fish bowl? Perhaps...these fishes no longer believe in anything... Speaking of which... Deadline's only a few days away...that big rock still weighs heavily in my heart. Will the remaining days remain peaceful? The things I have to face, have made me unable to sleep at ease. I really don't want to stir myself into something else. Really...I wouldn't want to... The fish is emotional and can cry easily... Friends with kindred spirits, you may have heard the cries of the little fish... But she'd rarely cry out loud before the eyes of others. That could be a way to leave a bit of dignity or a chance to take a step down!! At this moment, every pieces of the picture is just as it was five years ago. This battle...it can't be fought easily... |

今天突然心感不安 .. 很奇怪 ..

原來剛好一個月了 ..

這一個月過得很漫長啊 !!

就像過了三個月一樣 ..

海浪把原已擱淺的魚兒又捲至海中又再擱淺 ..

究竟魚兒到什麼時候才可安穩地在魚缸裡生存下去 ??

或許 .. 魚兒已不再相信什麼了 ..

話說回來 ..

期限還剩幾天 ..那大石壓在心底 , 這段日子能安然嗎 ??

目前要面對的事情已弄至我無法安睡 .. 真的不想再多添一事 .....

真的 .. 真的不要 ..

魚兒感性 , 易哭 ..

知心友 , 可能你會隔空聽過魚兒的哭泣聲 ..

但她絕少放聲大哭於眾人面前 ..

這是挽留一點尊嚴或留下台階吧 !!

此刻所面對的畫面 .. 就像五年前 ..

這一場仗 .. 不易打呢 ..| 今天突然心感不安 .. 很奇怪 ..

原来刚好一个月了 ..

这一个月过得很漫长啊 !!

就像过了三个月一样 ..

海浪把原已搁浅的鱼儿又捲至海中又再搁浅 ..

究竟鱼儿到什麽时候才可安稳地在鱼缸裡生存下去 ??

或许 .. 鱼儿已不再相信什麽了 ..

话说回来 ..

期限还剩几天 ..那大石压在心底 , 这段日子能安然吗 ??

目前要面对的事情已弄至我无法安睡 .. 真的不想再多添一事 .....

真的 .. 真的不要 ..

鱼儿感性 , 易哭 ..

知心友 , 可能你会隔空听过鱼儿的哭泣声 ..

但她绝少放声大哭于众人面前 ..

这是挽留一点尊严或留下台阶吧 !!

此刻所面对的画面 .. 就像五年前 ..

这一场仗 .. 不易打呢 ..

about 15 years ago 0 likes  3 comments  0 shares
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jia you Winnie!
about 15 years ago


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