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澳門豪食的high tea ....

今天去了澳門一趟 ..

此行是參與老人院派月餅之工作 ..

澳門近這兩年有很多新酒店 ..

但每次到此 .. 也有工作在身未能前往見識一番 ..

慈善探訪活動完畢後 .. 大伙兒也想到Venetian參觀一番 ..

我 , LuLu  Ng(吳亭欣) and Cathy Leung(梁雨恩)也不禁驚嘆這裡很大啊 !!

之後我們和其他工作人員更去了吃一餐 .. " Expensive " 的下午茶 ..

這是什麽 ??

鮑參翅肚佛跳牆 ........

其他人點的是燕窩木瓜 .. 龜苓膏 ..

一盅三佰多元的龜苓膏 .. 我也忍不住要嚐一口啊 !!

感激主辨人的招待 ..

臨走前 .. 更送上一份小禮物給我們眾人 ..

大家猜猜是什麽 ??

原來是月餅啊 !!

包裝確是很美呢 .........Went down to Macau today.  The purpose of this trip is to give away moon cakes to senior citizens.  There has been quite alot of new hotels opening in Macau for the past 2 years.  But I never got a chance to check any of it out due to my busy working schedule.

Once the charity work is done, we all went down to the Venetian and checked things out.

Lulu Ng, Cathy Leung and I couldn't help but be amused about how big the place looks.  Afterwards, we went along with other coworkers for an expensive afternoon meal. 

What's this?

A melting pot of abalone and shark fin soup.

The others ordered turtle soup with birds nest and papaya.  For a bowl of turtle soup costing 300 bucks, I just had to give it a try.  I'm grateful for the organizers for setting this up.  Just before leaving, they've even given us a little present. 

Take a good guess on what it is, everyone!

They're moon cakes!  And it's really nicely packaged too!

大约 16 年 前 0 赞s  8 评论s  0 shares
45862083 0af2fd4d5d
nice! we were just at the Venetian last week! ;-)
大约 16 年 ago
Photo 69801
The packing is so nice, is it wooden?
大约 16 年 ago



Hong Kong
August 7, 2007