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Application for Doctor Pet

這星期 .. 也為自己事忙著 ..

遲遲也沒更新網誌了 .. Sorry ..

notebook也無源故燒了底板 , 維修費也很貴 ..

差不多要 $2000 ..

借用了朋友的 Mac Book .. 對一向不用 Mac 機 的我來說 ..

起初也是不太習 ..

但試了幾天卻愛上了 ..

真是心動想買部啊 !!

昨天抽空到機場亞洲國際博覧館觀看 Pet & Aqua Accessory Expo ..

~~ One-stop pet grooming center .. 寵物美容車隊 ..

~~ 兩者可愛的動物醫生 ( Doctor Pet ) , 確是得人喜愛的 ..

拿了參加表格 , 準備為愛犬小曲報名了 ..

很久之前 , 有人向我提及過小曲有考核動物醫生的條件 ..

只是 .. 我一直沒放在心上 ..

今天决定為牠報名了 ..

無論將來牠能否通過測試及評核 ..

我相信牠也是隻和善有愛的小狗啊 !!

I've kept myself pretty occupied for this week.  So I haven't been able to post any new blog entries lately.  Sorry!

My notebook got fried for no apparent reason and the repair fees were quite expensive.  It costs me about $2000.  So I've borrowed my friend's notebook.  For a complete Macintosh novice like me, it was pretty hard to get well adjusted to.  But after toying around with it for a few days, I simply fell in love with it.  Now, I'm tempted to buy one for myself!

I took the time to check out the Pet & Aqua Accessory Expo at the airport yesterday.

~~ One-stop pet grooming center ..

The two doctor pets are very likeable indeed.  So I grabbed the application form to register for Siu Kuk, my pet dog.

A long time ago, someone suggested to me that Siu Kuk has potential to become a doctor pet.  However, I hadn't thought much about it.  So I've decided to apply for her today.  No matter how her test results will be, I'll still believe that she's a friendly and loveable dog.

大约 16 年 前 0 赞s  6 评论s  0 shares
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olivier went to the expo too i think... he is a cat fancier... :-P
大约 16 年 ago



Hong Kong
August 7, 2007