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Winnie Leung
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Bankok & Pattaya Trip @ Sept Day 1

In the beginning of September, we went in a group of 10 people for our trip to Pattaya, Bangkok...

This trip was named as the "5 Days/4 Nights Drink-Till-We-Drop" crew.  

I suppose you can figure out what's going on with a name like that!!  haha!!

On the day that we took off, we boarded the 8am plane to Bangkok...

We had already booked a car to pick us up beforehand.  So we dropped off our luggage at the hotel as soon as we arrived!!

Our first stop: the weekend market...

This time, we didn't stay at the weekend market for a long time.  Our shopoholic cravings haven't been fully satisfied...

We got a little hungry and started feeling a little tired...

So we went to 7-11 for a quick fix of Red Bull...

Our first meal in Thailand are these noodles!!

Delicious food at a cheap price...haha...

After that, we headed back to the hotel and changed clothes to prepare ourselves for the evening event...

Firstly, we got ourselves a foot massage and Thai-styled body massage...

Two hours of relaxation...I'm in bliss here...

Now it was time for dinner.

A restaurant with beautiful scenery...

This seafood meal was delicious...yummy!!

Our last stop obviously involved a lot of drinking...

We went to a bar street...

Every bar was decorated nicely...

When I went to the washroom, I noticed a boy band was performing in the ladies washroom.

That totally caught me by surprise!!

Gentlemen, if your female friend hadn't stepped out of the washroom...

Don't worry.  They're just watching a live band performance...

So crazy & drunk @ day 1 .. wakaka ..

To be continued... |

9月初 .. 我們一行10人去了曼谷芭堤雅旅行 ..

這次名為 "泰國5日4夜不醉無歸喪飲團 "  .. 一聽就知係乜一回事啦 !! haha ..

出發那天 , 我們乘坐0800的航機飛抵曼谷 ..

事前我們已 book了車接載 .. 所以一落機就去酒店放下行李出去 shopping 啦 !!

第一站 " 瞿度瞿 weekend market  "  ..

今次留在 weekend market 的時間太少了 .. 末能滿足我的購物意慾添 .....

肚仔有點餓 , 又開始有點眼訓 ..

去了 7-11買了支 Red Bull 差一差電先 ..


價錢平又好味 .. haha ..

之後返回酒店換件戰衣為晚上的行動再出戰 ..

首先去做過腳底按摩 + 泰式按摩 ..

2個鐘的 Relax .. 回魂了 ..

又是晚飯時候 ..

一間環境很美的餐廳 ..

呢餐海鮮餐好好食呀 .. Yummy !!

最後一站 .. 當然是豪飲啦 ..

我們去了一條酒bar 街 ..

每間 bar都設計得很靚 ..

當我去洗手間時 , 發現有隊 boy band 在女厠內表演 ..

令我大開眼界呀 !!

男仕們 .. 若你們的女伴去洗手間久久也未出來的話 ..

不用擔心 .. 她們在睇 band show 啫 ..

so crazy & drunk @ day 1 .. wakaka ..

~~~~~ 再續 ~~~~~




9月初 .. 我们一行10人去了曼谷芭堤雅旅行 .. 这次名为 "泰国5日4夜不醉无归丧饮团 "  .. 一听就知系乜一回事啦 !! haha .. 出发那天 , 我们乘坐0800的航机飞抵曼谷 .. 事前我们已 book了车接载 .. 所以一落机就去酒店放下行李出去 shopping 啦 !! 第一站 " 瞿度瞿 weekend market  "  .. 今次留在 weekend market 的时间太少了 .. 末能满足我的购物意欲添 ..... 肚仔有点饿 , 又开始有点眼训 .. 去了 7-11买了支 Red Bull 差一差电先 .. 泰国的第一餐是吃河粉呀!! 价钱平又好味 .. haha .. 之後返回酒店换件战衣为晚上的行动再出战 .. 首先去做过脚底按摩 + 泰式按摩 .. 2个钟的 Relax .. 回魂了 .. 又是晚饭时候 .. 一间环境很美的餐厅 .. 呢餐海鲜餐好好食呀 .. Yummy !! 最後一站 .. 当然是豪饮啦 .. 我们去了一条酒bar 街 .. 每间 bar都设计得很靓 .. 当我去洗手间时 , 发现有队 boy band 在女厠内表演 .. 令我大开眼界呀 !! 男仕们 .. 若你们的女伴去洗手间久久也未出来的话 .. 不用担心 .. 她们在睇 band show 啫 .. so crazy & drunk @ day 1 .. wakaka .. ~~~~~ 再续 ~~~~~      

about 15 years ago 0 likes  6 comments  0 shares


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