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Winnie Leung
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Bankok & Pattaya Trip @ Sept Day 3

The 3rd day for the "5 Day/4 Night Drink-Till-We-Drop-in-Thailand" crew has officially begun!!

After having a not-so-impressive breakfast, we hopped on the streetcar and headed towards the beach...

Because the cruise ship we booked was heading towards another island, we decided to have some fun in the sun for the day...

I discovered this 8 legged star fish as we were waiting for the ship to arrive.

To be honest, it doesn't feel that good!!

We sat in a boat for an approximate 20 minute ride.And we made our arrival to an island with clear waters and soft sands..

On that day, there were no other Hong Kong tourists on the island.  

In fact, there were more foreign tourists.  

So I was able to let go of my worries and simply have some fun!!

Little Winnie sure loves the sun and the beaches...

But I rarely get to have this much fun in Hong Kong.

Because an unauthorized photo may create a lot of un-needed buzz in the tabloids.  It's pretty scary!!

This time, Sexy Baby Kamun shot a few swimsuit photos that I actually liked..

Thx so much sweetie .. i like it .. 

As I let my guard down, I even posed like that young model "Chrissie Chau".......


Because the sand was really soft, I was able to make an ice cream ball~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~

We left the island by boat at around 3:30pm..

And headed towards the other side of the sea to play underwater...

My head was masked with a 15kg oxygen helmet.

Then the instructor dived in to get into contact with the underwater lifeforms. 

Little Winnie has once dived with such equipment in Mauritius before.

Or maybe because it happened such a long time ago...

I became too scared to do it this time.

Because you can expected the unexpected when you're underwater.

To be honest, diving with underwater equipment and the one on this occasion are like two separate matter.

Diving for real is a lot more fun!!!

We got back to the yacht after the underwater stroll...

And went to another location...

It's the centre of the sea...

This time, we're going fishing...

Here's the fish I caught...actually, this is more like the result of the sailors...

Because fishing is an exercise that requires patience and time.

If I'm given more time in the morning, I firmly believe I'll be able to catch a fish...haha...

Dawn is closing in...it's time to get washed up at the hotel...

We went to a restaurant at Central Center for some Japanese cuisine on that night...

The time for beer consumption has finally begun...

If the ten of us ate this amount of food, it would definitely be expensive!!

A big bottle of sake has brought me, baby, and PP to an emotional climax...

But the shopoholic nature of a woman will not shatter despite the alcohol...

After dinner comes the night market, of course!

Shop...and shop again...

Getting thirsty...time to head over to 7-11

And I see this...

It's a bottle Soda Black Label.

This little baby has not been brought over to Hong Kong yet.

I'll buy a bottle just to test it out...

It doesn't taste like much but it still retains that Black Label feel...

Or maybe I've already ascended to a higher level so it tasted like nothing special to me.  hahahaha....

We did call ourselves the "drink-till-we-drop" crew yet we're still not drunk...

I'll be waiting at the hotel...

~~~~~ To be continued ~~~~~






"泰國5日4夜不醉無歸喪飲團 " 第3天又展開了 ..

在酒店吃過一餐較差的早餐後 .. 就乘 " 篤篤車 " 前往海灘了 ..

因為我們已 book 了船前往另一島嶼 .. 實行與陽光玩樂的一天啊 ..

等待船隻的時後 .. 給我發現了8腳海星 ..

老實說 .. 手感不太好啊 !!

坐了大概20 mins的快艇船程 ..

我們到達了一個真的稱為 " 水清沙幼 " 的小島了 ..

那天 .. 島上沒有香港人及遊行團 , 以外國遊客居多 ..

所以我也放下包袍 ..

盡情地玩啊 !!

雲妮小妹確是喜歡陽光與海灘的人 ..

但在香港真的難以玩得放 ..

因為一張沙灘偷拍相也可大造文章 .. 真的怕怕啊 !!

這次 Sexy Baby Kamun還幫我影了好幾張我非常喜歡的泳衣照 ..

Thx so much sweetie .. i like it ..

介心放下時 .. 我還扮o靚模 " 周秀娜 " 呢 .......

haha ..

因為沙真的很幼 .. 可以整個雪糕球啊 ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~

大概 330pm我們乘快艇離開小島 ..

前住海的另一邊玩水底漫步 ..

頭帶上一個重15kg的有氧氣的頭套 ..

跟著指示員下水底近距離接髑水底生物 ..

以前雲妮小妹也試過在毛里裘斯背著氧氣樽潛水 ..

但可能已隔太久了 ..

這一次下水真的有點驚 ..

因為在水底 , 你所預到的問題是你預測不到的 ..

說真 .. 背樽的潛水與今次的海底漫步是兩回事呢 ..

真正的潛水好玩好多啊 !!!

水底漫步後我們又返回快艇 ..

向另外地方進發 ..

海中心 ..

今次是釣魚 ..

小妹拿著的小魚兒 .. 基本上是船家釣的成果 ..

  因為釣魚是一個有耐性及花時間時的活動 ..

下次給我一個早上 .. 我相信我會釣到的 !! haha ..

  黄昏時近 .. 是時候回酒店梳洗 ..

這夜我們去了 Central Center 的一間日本餐廳吃日本菜 ..

喝洒的時間又開始了 ..

若果以10個人在香港吃那麼多東西 .. 一定是很貴啊 !!

一大瓶清酒 ..  令我和 baby & PP已情緒高漲 ..

但女性的購物指數並不會被酒精已減滅 ..

晚飯過後 .. 當然是行夜市了 ..

買 .. 再買 ..

口喝了 .. 走進 7-11 ..

看見它 ..

一支 soda black label ..

香港沒引入的貨品 ..

買來試試 ..

很淡 .. 還有 black label 的感覺 ..

或者 .. 我境界已太高 .. 無特別囉 .. wakakaka ..

說明是 " 喪醉團 " .. 都未醉 .......

酒店等啦 ..

~~~~~ 再續 ~~~~~






"泰国5日4夜不醉无归丧饮团 " 第3天又展开了 .. 在酒店吃过一餐较差的早餐后 .. 就乘 " 笃笃车 " 前往海滩了 .. 因为我们已 book 了船前往另一岛屿 .. 实行与阳光玩乐的一天啊 .. 等待船隻的时后 .. 给我发现了8脚海星 .. 老实说 .. 手感不太好啊 !! 坐了大概20 mins的快艇船程 .. 我们到达了一个真的称为 " 水清沙幼 " 的小岛了 .. 那天 .. 岛上没有香港人及游行团 , 以外国游客居多 .. 所以我也放下包袍 .. 尽情地玩啊 !! 云妮小妹确是喜欢阳光与海滩的人 .. 但在香港真的难以玩得放 .. 因为一张沙滩偷拍相也可大造文章 .. 真的怕怕啊 !! 这次 Sexy Baby Kamun还帮我影了好几张我非常喜欢的泳衣照 .. Thx so much sweetie .. i like it .. 介心放下时 .. 我还扮o靓模 " 周秀娜 " 呢 ....... haha .. 因为沙真的很幼 .. 可以整个雪糕球啊 ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ 大概 330pm我们乘快艇离开小岛 .. 前住海的另一边玩水底漫步 .. 头带上一个重15kg的有氧气的头套 .. 跟着指示员下水底近距离接髑水底生物 .. 以前云妮小妹也试过在毛里裘斯背着氧气樽潜水 .. 但可能已隔太久了 .. 这一次下水真的有点惊 .. 因为在水底 , 你所预到的问题是你预测不到的 .. 说真 .. 背樽的潜水与今次的海底漫步是两回事呢 .. 真正的潜水好玩好多啊 !!! 水底漫步后我们又返回快艇 .. 向另外地方进发 .. 海中心 .. 今次是钓鱼 .. 小妹拿着的小鱼儿 .. 基本上是船家钓的成果 ..   因为钓鱼是一个有耐性及花时间时的活动 .. 下次给我一个早上 .. 我相信我会钓到的 !! haha ..   黄昏时近 .. 是时候回酒店梳洗 .. 这夜我们去了 Central Center 的一间日本餐厅吃日本菜 .. 喝洒的时间又开始了 .. 若果以10个人在香港吃那麽多东西 .. 一定是很贵啊 !! 一大瓶清酒 ..  令我和 baby & PP已情绪高涨 .. 但女性的购物指数并不会被酒精已减灭 .. 晚饭过后 .. 当然是行夜市了 .. 买 .. 再买 .. 口喝了 .. 走进 7-11 .. 看见它 .. 一支 soda black label .. 香港没引入的货品 .. 买来试试 .. 很澹 .. 还有 black label 的感觉 .. 或者 .. 我境界已太高 .. 无特别囉 .. wakakaka .. 说明是 " 丧醉团 " .. 都未醉 ....... 酒店等啦 .. ~~~~~ 再续 ~~~~~          

about 15 years ago 0 likes  9 comments  0 shares
45862083 0af2fd4d5d
that's hot!
about 15 years ago
45862083 0af2fd4d5d
woah, is that Chrissie Chau?!?
about 15 years ago
Etchy : yes .. 扮緊 Chrissie Chau .. 似嗎 ?? hahaha
almost 15 years ago
sharonsmile : + oil .. support u .. 我也喜歡這 pic ... =)
almost 15 years ago
me 2 .. thx my lovely ... Kamun
almost 15 years ago


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