Friday Night .. 出席了裕美妹妹的生日派對 ..
wingyin , mandy , zuki & Me 不約而同說 .. 我們把在場人仕的平均年齡拉高了 ~~
真的 .. 房間內的男生女生佔了七成應該是80年代出世的 ..
興幸 .. 接近凌晨十二時 ..
生於70年代或以上的人仕紛紛到場 ..
我們也是被其他人拉高平均歲數啊 !! haha ..
坦白說 .. 最近在工作上 ..
合作的藝人也是較年輕的 ..
望著他們 , 彷彿望見從前的自己 ..
確是活得快樂的 !!
人漸長大 .. 思維也隨之改變 ..
有時 .. 望著鏡中的自己 ..
發現的 , 不是臉上長出的稚紋有多少 , 已是眉宇之間流露的經歷 ..
無邪的眼神 .. 也變得堅定了 ..
這一切告知我 , 已成長了 !!
On Friday night, I've attended the birthday party of Yumi. wingyin , mandy , zuki and I all said at the time that we should categorize everyone in the party by their age.
But it's true. 70% of the boys in the room are born in the 80s.
But it felt like such a relief. It was closing in on 12a.m.
Those were born in the 70s (and above) have all gathered to the party. We were also included in the age demographic. haha!
To be honest with you, most of the jobs I've taken lately involve me in working with younger artists. Seeing them reminded me of my younger self. They were so happy!! As I grow older, I begin to mature as well. Sometimes when I look at myself in the mirror, I don't look at the wrinkles I've gained. But rather the experience revealed by my forehead. The innocent-looking eyes have become more determined.
All of this tells me that I've grown up!