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寵物DNA頸鍊 ..


文中我所提及的DNA頸鍊 ..

是將寵物的 DNA疑結成可見的 DNA , 製成看得見的頸鍊 ..

製造過程是取抽寵物口腔細胞樣本 ..

加入細胞溶液 , 使 DNA樣本釋放出來 ..

把漏出來的 DNA放進攝氏零下八十度的冰箱儲存 30分鐘 , 使它凝結成白色的塊狀物 ..

從冰箱內提出後,再放入每分鐘一萬三轉的離心機內 , 使 DNA下沉 ..

把 DNA晶體儲存入小瓶內 , 加入有顏色的保存液 , 待凝固後鑲嵌成頸鍊 ..

這項服務再很多寵物公司也有提供 .. 價錢大約 $ 500左右..

回應完 DNA鍊墜後 .. 又是時候收拾行理了 ..

本來 8 號才飛橫店 , 今天剛收到消息 .. 明晚起程了 ..

今次去 4 天 , 回港工作完 ,  於 11 號再返回 ..

所以 12 月份也是忙碌的月份呀 .......


文中我所提及的DNA颈链 ..

是将宠物的 DNA疑结成可见的 DNA , 制成看得见的颈链 ..

制造过程是取抽宠物口腔细胞样本 ..

加入细胞溶液 , 使 DNA样本释放出来 ..

把漏出来的 DNA放进摄氏零下八十度的冰箱存贮 30分钟 , 使它凝结成白色的块状物 ..

从冰箱内提出后,再放入每分钟一万三转的离心机内 , 使 DNA下沉 ..

把 DNA晶体存贮入小瓶内 , 加入有颜色的保存液 , 待凝固后镶嵌成颈链 ..

这项服务再很多宠物公司也有提供 .. 价钱大约 $ 500左右..

反应完 DNA链坠后 .. 又是时候收拾行理了 ..

本来 8 号才飞横店 , 今天刚收到消息 .. 明晚起程了 ..

今次去 4 天 , 回港工作完 ,  于 11 号再回车 ..

所以 12 月份也是忙碌的月份呀 .......

Just read through everyone's response to my last blog entry.  I made mentions of DNA's necklace.  It's comprised of and specially made from DNA's d.n.a.

The process in making it starts off by taking saliva samples from your pet.  When these cells liquify, the DNA samples will come right out.  Then you take the released DNA samples and keep it in a freezer (at -80 degrees celsius) for 30 minutes so it can turn into white blocks.

Once they're removed from the freezer, it'll be placed in a centrifuge running at 13000 spins per minute.

then, the crystalized DNA will be stored in a tiny container along with a colored liquid for maintenance so it solidify into a necklace.

Many pet stores have this kind of service and it costs roughly around $500 (approx. $65 cdn)

After responding to you guys about the DNA necklace, it's time for me to pack my luggage..

I was supposed to fly to Hengdian on the 8th but I just got a notice today that I was to head off on my plane tomorrow night.

This time, I'm there for 4 days.  Work is done when i return to HK and i'll have to head down there again on the 11th.

That's why December is going to be a very busy month for me...

大约 17 年 前 0 赞s  9 评论s  0 shares
Photo 45507
大约 17 年 ago
45862083 0af2fd4d5d
again? two more times? for the same series or a new one?
大约 17 年 ago
45862083 0af2fd4d5d
非常好! 你有那么多工作好impressive! keep up the good work!
大约 17 年 ago



Hong Kong
August 7, 2007