Official Artist
Winnie Leung
Actor , Model
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Clark @ Day 1 shooting

3月10日乘11am的航機前往菲律賓克拉克工作 ..

詠姸MaMa陪我一同前往 ..

今次旅程一行二十多人 , 很厲害啊 !!

一小時四十五分鐘的飛行時間就抵達當地機場了 ..

大隊隨即前行入住和拍攝的地方 " Fontana Leisure Parks " ..

午飯過後 , 各人返回Villa準備當晚的拍攝工作 ..

住的地方跟Club House有一段距離 , 所以我們每次也靠Golf 車接載 ..

當晚拍攝地點為Club House內的中菜廳 ..

其實每次拍攝有關美食的工作 ..

鏡頭前大家看到的食品也是很吸引 ..

但當我們試食的時候 , 美食往往已變冷了 ..

有點可惜 ..

晚飯過後再前往卡拉ok內拍攝 ..

大約10pm當天的工作亦完成了 ..

好友哈比BaBa亦於這時侯到達克拉克 ..

之後我跟詠姸MaMa , 哈比BaBa一同前往該酒店的賭場見識一番 ..

逗留一會我們就返回房間休息了 ..

因為今天也累了 !!!!!

***** 再續 *****

On March 10th, I've boarded the 11am plane to the Phillipines to work at Clark's.  Wing-Yin Mama came along with me.  There's more than 20 people coming along with this trip.  That's amazing!!

Within an hour and 45 minutes, we've arrived to their airport.  The crew went immediately to the shooting location in Fontana Leisure Parks.  After lunch, we all went back to the villa to prepare for the shoot in the evening.

There's a distance between the club house and the place we're staying in.  So we had to hitch a ride from a golf car.  Our shooting location is inside the Chinese restaurant at the club house.

Every time we shoot for a project related to food, the food will look delicious in front of the cameras.  But when we're actually eating it, they tend to become very cold.  It is rather unfortunate.  We headed towards the karaoke for the continued filming after the meal.  Our job was finished for the day by approximately 10pm.  This is also when my good friend Ha Bei  BaBa arrived at Clark's.  Wing-Yin Mama, Ha Bei BaBa and I went out to the casino and checked things out afterwards.  We went back to our rooms for a rest after the short stay because i was absolutely tired out for the day!!!!!

***** To be continued *****

almost 17 years ago 0 likes  5 comments  0 shares
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my aunt used to teach at the us military base there back in the '80s...
almost 17 years ago


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