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EO2 Ladies' Nite Live 2008彩排Day 1

在早前 , 一直為自己健康之問題擔憂著 ..

 開心 .. 報告出了.. 不用再動手術 ..

心 .. 也放下大石了 !!

留院和等待報告的日子確是很難渡過的 ..

休息了兩星期 ..

是時候做回自己的事務 ..

繼續update my blog .. 和工作了 ..

今天晚上 .. 為EO2 月尾舉行之Concert作宣傳和商討事宜 ..

回家後 .. 從覆翻聽那夜表演的曲目 ..

已有點feel ..

待下次彩排時再和拍擋 Eric談談啊 ..

想知我和 EO2在 Ladies ' Nite Live 2008搞什麼 ?

那就下回分解了 .............

I've been worried for the sake of my health lately.  Happily enough, the test results came out and there is no need for me to get another operation.  My heart is relieved!!

The days of staying in hospital and waiting for test results have been quite difficult.  Since I've had a 2 week rest, I believe it is time to get back into my usual business which includes updating my blog and work.  Tonight, I've been doing promo work for E02 month-end concert and other related negotiations.  Once I got home, I repeatedly listened to the track list for the concert night.  I've got the feel and jist of it.  I'll wait till I get to discuss it over with Eric next time.  

Wanna know what I'm up to at the E02 Ladies Nite Live 2008?  I'll reveal it to you next time!

about 16 years ago 0 likes  4 comments  0 shares
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hope you're feeling ok.
about 16 years ago


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