Official Artist
Winnie Leung
Actor , Model
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Have a good day

雲妮小妹新型像 ..

呵呵 .. 駁了長髮 , 變回女孩子了 !!

有時侯 .. 作一個轉變 .. 也是好的 ..

新的開始啊 !!

今天心情大好 .. 因為我很喜歡自己的新image + 等了個多月的三圈黑面手錶已到了 .. haha ..

堅持不要白面 .. 今天終於等到了 !!

Thx Dee哥哥的幫忙 & ASscl..

雖然仍未取貨 .. 但已勁開心 ..

晚上到觀塘為電影 " 變種警察 " 配音 ..

一場與國內演員瞿穎演的戲 , 要整場配音 ..

可能心情佳 .. 很快就完成了 !! hehe ..

剛和朋友仔通電 .. 他說前幾天 , 我在電話扮聲玩弄他 , 確實令他摸不著頭腦 ..

Haha ..你一定忘記我是演員了 ..

我可以隨時代入不同的人物性格 .. 包括聲線 !!

承諾不再騙你 .. 但 .. 若下星期的旅程可如期出發 .. 請對我手下留情啊 !! 皆因 .. 上次的經歷已令我怕怕了 !!

Winnie's new look.

haha...I've made attachments to my long hair and have turned into a girl once again!!  Sometimes, it's good to make a change.  After all, it's a new start!!  My mood has been extra good today because I really like my new image and the black 3-ringed watch I've been waiting for 3 months has finally arrived.  haha ..

Persistance well wasted.  It's finally come today!!!

Thx to Dee for his help & ASscl..

I may have not picked up the stuff yet but I'm extremely happy about it!

I went to Kwun Tong to do ADR work for "Mutant Cops" on the evening.  There was a scene I shared with Huo Ying that had to be entirely dubbed.  This scene was finished very quickly.  Probably because I was in such a good mood.  hehe...

I was just talking to a buddy on the phone.  He said that I played a prank on him through a phone a few days ago and it left obliviously confused.  You must have forgotten that I'm an actress.  lol!  I can focus myself into different personalities and that includes my vocals as well.  I promise not to deceive you again but if my trip for next week will proceed as scheduled, please leave mercy on me.  Why?  Because the last trip has left me scared!!

over 16 years ago 0 likes  5 comments  0 shares


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August 7, 2007