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Winnie Leung
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成都之旅逗留了一天 ..

第二天就到了湖南 ..

印像中的湖南 .. 是湖南電視台舉辨的 " 舞動奇蹟 " ..

其他 ..  一概不知 .. haha

今次入住是當地的 Sheraton hotel ..

相比成都的 Shangri-La hotel .. 這間來得舒適 ..

早前到成都抽空參觀了紀念三國蜀漢丞相諸葛亮的祠堂 " 武候祠 " ..

在湖南 .. 有點可惜沒時間前往西漢初期長沙國丞相 , 侯利倉及其家屬的墓葬 " 王堆漢墓 " ..

因為在1972年被掘出的女屍是世界上首次發現古代的濕屍 .. 皮膚完整 , 肌肉還有彈性 !!

希望下次再到湖南的時候 , 能前住觀賞吧 ..

緊密的行程 .. 只能到當地的 " 步行街 " 逛逛夜市 ..

短短的行程已令我胖了 .. 皆因 .. 太多美食了 !!

最愛的 .. 就是它 ..

賣相實在是難看的 " 臭豆腐 " .. 但真是好好味呀 !!

After the one night stay in Chengdu, I've finally arrived in Hunan on the next day.  The Hunan in my recollection is from the "Dancing Miracle" event for the local tv station in Hunan.  I'm pretty oblivious to everything else.  haha!  This time, I'm staying at their local Sheraton Hotel.

Comparitively to Chengdu's Shangri-La Hotel, this hotel was quite comfortable.  I spent the time to visit the ancestral shrine of Zhuge Liang, a governor of the Shu country during the Three Kingdoms era.  It is quite regretful that I don't have much time to visit the tombs of other historical figures in ancient era because in 1972, a female corpse was found.  It was known as the first discovered corpse in the world which was wet..  Her skin was left undamaged and her muscle tones remains to stay quite flexible!!  Hopefully, I will get to have a sightseeing there once I go to Hunan again. With such a tight schedule, I only managed to walk out for a stroll at night.

This short trip has fattened me but that is only because there is so many choice of great food around here!  These were my favorites.

It looks more revolting than stinky tofu but it's really delicious!

over 16 years ago 0 likes  6 comments  0 shares


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