這兩天為新電影開工了 ..
在炎炎夏日拍外景確是較辛苦 ..
汗一直在流 , 粧要不停地補 ..
每天收工時 , 已一身汗臭 ..
連內衣物也盡濕了 ..
今天去了一個小島上拍攝 ..
由於接駁船來回碼頭也需要時間 ..
收工時也來不及回家梳洗 , 就要趕到 TVB 錄影獎門人了 ..
沒想過 .. 節目完後 , 是帶著陣陣的忌廉味回家啊 !!
到現在梳洗過後 , 那味道仍留在我手和臉上..
就像塗上忌廉面霜和手霜啊 !!
I've been busy working on a new movie for the past couple of days. It is definitely much harder to work in such a hot summer weather. I've been constantly sweating and re-applying my make-up. I've been coming home from work with a sweaty stench everyday. Even my clothes have been completely soaked.
We went to a small remote island for the movie shoot today. Due to time required to head to and fro from the boat, I didn't have enough to head home for a shower. I had to quickly go to the TVB studio for the recording of an episode of "Super Trio Supreme". Surprisingly to me, I came home smelling like cream after the recording! From the minute I took a shower till now, that smell still remains on my face and hands. It's like I've applied myself with creamy cosmetics on my face and hands.