演员, 模特儿
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早前在國內拍劇集 ..

上網已成為我最大的娛樂 ..

但國內封鎖了某些網站 ..

xange.com , youtube .... 都不能登入 ..

很多朋友 send 了   " 劉德華成都演唱會怒打保安救歌迷 " 的 link 給我 ..

唯有待回港後才看吧 !!

Video: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=5534Vz4ELqI&feature=related



工作人員憶述:當晚演出尾聲,到了倒數第四首歌時,一個男歌迷手拿鮮花沖了出來,舞台 前有二道鐵閘柵,閘柵前有幾十個保安,他們都不干事,站在那裡光顧著看演出。那個男歌 迷居然一口氣跳過二個閘柵,沖到台前,然後站在音箱上給華仔獻花。幾個保安眼見自己明 顯失職了,惱羞成怒趕往抓住那歌迷按在地下又打又揍,之後其他地區的保安也趕來加入。 華仔台上目擊歌迷被十多名保安公安圍打已即時出聲制示。但保安打得性起沒有理會。劉德 華見事態緊急,即時從 2.2米高的舞台跳下推開部份保安力斥,但另一邊抓著歌迷的保安還是沒有停手。劉德華 更即時出手打保安的手要他們鬆開。此時其他工作人員才趕到。當時場面已很混亂。可以看 出劉德華當時的確已十分之惡。工作人員馬上攔住圍上來的公安,一邊勸阻劉德華,壓住他 的怒火,不讓事態進一步惡化 , 劉德華自己拉走了那位歌迷入後台以保護他的人身安全。

其實我是華仔的超級粉絲 ..

算一算也喜歡他超過十年了 ..

十二月的演唱會 , 在很早前已托朋友訂票了 ..


I've been in the Mainland for the shooting of a tv series.  Going online has become my biggest source of entertainment.

However several websites have been filtered by the Chinese government.

xanga.com , youtube .... aren't accessible....

Alot of friends have sent me a link for the video footage of Andy Lau punching out a security guard at his concert in Chengdu, China.  My only choice is to watch it upon my return to Hong Kong!!

Time and day of event:  Nov 6th, 2007.  approximately 11pm

Place of event:  Chengdu Coliseum in Szechuan.  Andy Lau's China tour.

Staff: comments:  It was at the end of his concert.  Once it had gotten to the fourth songs, a male fan rushed in to the stage carrying flowers.  There were 2 metal gates in front of the stage.  There were over a dozen security guards at the gate.  They don't even do anything.  They just stood there to watch him in concert.  The fan was able to jump through the gates and ran to the front of the stage.  Then, he stood by the speakers to hand flowers over to Andy.  It was apparent that the guards weren't doing their job.  Frustrated in anger, the security guard grabbed that fan and began a fistfight with him.  Security guards from other areas soon rushed in to join.  Andy saw dozens of security guards gang up for the fight from the stage and immediately ordered them to stop.  However, security guards fought without any reason or logic.  Seeing that the situation became so urgent that he jumped down from the 2.2 metre high stage and pushed away some of the security guards, but the guards who ganged up on his fan never stopped the assault.  Andy Lau immediately punched the security guards and damanded that they stop the assult.  It was at that time when other staff members came over to the scene.  The situation had already become very rampant.  You can see that Andy Lau was extremely angered.  Staff members surrounded the security guards to calm Andy down and prevented him from getting even angrier & making the situation get any worse.  Andy then escorted the assaulted fan to his backstage from getting any more harm done to him.

I'm actually a huge fan of Andy Lau.

Come to think of it, I've been a fan for over 10 years.  I've already got a friend to help me book tickets for his concert in December.  I'm anticipating his performance at the Hunghom Coliseum.

早前在国内拍剧集 ..

上网已成为我最大的娱乐 ..

但国内封锁了某些网站 ..

xange.com , youtube .... 都不能登入 ..

很多朋友 send 了   " 刘德华成都演唱会怒打保安救歌迷 " 的 link 给我 ..

唯有待回港后才看吧 !!



工作人员忆述:当晚演出尾声,到了倒数第四首歌时,一个男歌迷手拿鲜花冲了出来,舞台 前有二道铁闸栅,闸栅前有几十个保安,他们都不干事,站在哪里光顾着看演出。那个男歌 迷居然一口气跳过二个闸栅,冲到台前,然后站在音箱上给华仔献花。几个保安眼见自己明 显失职了,恼羞成怒赶往抓住那歌迷按在地下又打又揍,之后其他地区的保安也赶来加入。 华仔台上目击歌迷被十多名保安公安围打已即时出声制示。但保安打得性起没有理会。刘德 华见事态紧急,即时从 2.2米高的舞台跳下推开部份保安力斥,但另一边抓着歌迷的保安还是没有停手。刘德华 更即时出手打保安的手要他们松开。此时其他工作人员才赶到。当时场面已很混乱。可以看 出刘德华当时的确已十分之恶。工作人员马上拦住围上来的公安,一边劝阻刘德华,压住他 的怒火,不让事态进一步恶化 , 刘德华自己拉走了那位歌迷入后台以保护他的人身安全。

其实我是华仔的超级粉丝 ..

算一算也喜欢他超过十年了 ..

十二月的演唱会 , 在很早前已托朋友订票了 ..


大约 17 年 前 0 赞s  29 评论s  0 shares
45862083 0af2fd4d5d
holy sh!t Andy Lau is amazing! ready to fight for his fans!
大约 17 年 ago
Photo 33405
Wow, the security guys were outta control. Andy Lau is amazing!
大约 17 年 ago
Photo 37059
yeah i saw that video a few days ago too... crazy! no need to beat up fans!!!... well done Andy! well done!
大约 17 年 ago
謝謝各位的留言 , 其實在橫店拍攝電視劇 " 十大奇冤 " 時也發生了一件事 .. 事緣這天是星期日 , 我 , 吳慶哲 , 張偉健在橫店影視城內拍攝, 那天遊客衆多 , 有人高呼張偉健的名字及衝入我們的拍攝地方 !! 國內劇組人員為此事跟遊客發生口角及碰撞 , 那是 dicky 避免会變成打架事件 , 主动提出親自出外與遊客拍攝照片以作平息.. 我覺得 " 凡事以和為貴 , 大事則化小 , 小事則化無 " 打架真是不應該的..
大约 17 年 ago
45862083 0af2fd4d5d
too bad no one was taping that, Dicky Cheung could be the next hero celebrity for stopping a fight!
大约 17 年 ago



Hong Kong
August 7, 2007