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My 1st Tattoo @ Bangkok & Pattaya trip|我第一個紋身@ Bangkok & Pattaya trip|我第一个纹身@ Bangkok & Pattaya trip

Video: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=337mQpfOOpE

Little Winnie did a little something during her Bangkok/Pattaya trip.

She got her very first "tattoo".

In fact, this was not done out of impulse.

Just about 2-3 weeks before the trip, I had already made this unshakable decision.

The reason behind this?  It's a little secret that cannot be revealed!!

I originally planned to do it once I return to Hong Kong.

But as soon as I got to Pattaya, I thought it was time!!

What I've always wanted was a tattoo of an angel...

I chose this one because she was smiling so happily.  She looked happy.

As to where the tattoo was going to be, there were two spots for me to choose.

Either it's behind the ear or behind my neck...

Why?  Because these positions can be covered by my hair so it won't affect my work.

Due to the artwork being too big, I finally decided to do it behind my neck.

In fact, the tattoo artwork is not complete yet.

I'll have some patching to do once I get back to Hong Kong.

My little angel...will always be grant happiness and joy behind me!!! | Video: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=337mQpfOOpE

雲妮小妹在 bangkok and pattaya trip 裡做了一件事 ..

人生的第一次 .. " 紋身 " ..

其實不是一剎那的衝動 ..

早在旅程出發前的兩三星期 , 我已下定這個不能磨滅的決定 ..

背後的原因 .. 是個 " 不能說的秘密 " 啊 !!

本來計劃旅程後回港才紋的 ..

但去到 Pattaya , 我覺得 .. 是時候了 !!

一直我想紋的是小天使圖案 ..

選了這個 .. 是因為她笑得很開心 .. 很快樂的模樣 ..

至於紋的地方 , 是有兩個位置可選的 ..

耳後或頸後 ..

因為這些位置可用頭髮蓋過圖案 , 不太影响我的工作 ..

由於圖案太大了 , 最終選了頸背位置 ..

其實紋身圖案仍未完全完成的 ..

回到香港 , 我會再細補呀 !!

我的小天使 .. 一直在我背後帶給我祝福與快樂 !!| Video: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=337mQpfOOpE 云妮小妹在 bangkok and pattaya trip 裡做了一件事 ..

人生的第一次 .. " 纹身 " ..

其实不是一刹那的冲动 ..

早在旅程出发前的两三星期 , 我已下定这个不能磨灭的决定 ..

背后的原因 .. 是个 " 不能说的秘密 " 啊 !!

本来计划旅程后回港才纹的 ..

但去到 Pattaya , 我觉得 .. 是时候了 !!

一直我想纹的是小天使图桉 ..

选了这个 .. 是因为她笑得很开心 .. 很快乐的模样 ..

至于纹的地方 , 是有两个位置可选的 ..

耳后或颈后 ..

因为这些位置可用头髮盖过图桉 , 不太影响我的工作 ..

由于图桉太大了 , 最终选了颈背位置 ..

其实纹身图桉仍未完全完成的 ..

回到香港 , 我会再细补呀 !!

我的小天使 .. 一直在我背后带给我祝福与快乐 !!

大约 15 年 前 0 赞s  6 评论s  0 shares
45862083 0af2fd4d5d
ack! looks painful! :-P nice new profile picture!
大约 15 年 ago
my new profile pic is shoot @ Pattaya by my lovely fd .. i love it 2
大约 15 年 ago



Hong Kong
August 7, 2007