剛完成22小時的工作 ..
雖然已累得要死 ..
但仍要把今天不快事更新上網誌 ..
今天發生之事 .. 只能形容雲妮太 " 豬標 " 了 ..
一切源於 ...............
襯着工作空閒期間 ..
我拿著我的 Canon G9 四週圍拍攝 ..
突然當我再拿起相機準備拍攝其他影像時 ..
發現它 ..
Oh No .. 為什麼裂開了 ??
那刻我摸不著頭腦 ..
四出尋找名醫幫忙 ..
現場有幾名對器材及攝影極之認識的專業人仕 ..
細看我那部離奇受創的 G9 ..
得出報告是 .. 牠被熱力燙傷了 !!
What ??? 沒可能啊 !!
它一直有相機套保護著 .. 不會發生此事的 ..
後來 .. 謎底終被我解開了 ..
因為 .. 我拍下這一張相片 ..
一點的燭光 .. 就把它弄至今日模樣..
我 .. 實在是 .. 太 ~~ 蠢 , 無知 , 或是低能 ..
唉 .. 什麼也好 .. 我只知 .. 它的損傷能我太傷心了 ..
明天 .. 唯有送它回 Canon 維修中心整容吧 ..
Just completed 22 hours of work. Even though I am completely exhausted, I still see a need to blog about this unfortunate incident. The only way to describe myself in regards to today's incident is that Winnie is too "clumsy".
It all started when...
I had some spare time during work...
I held my Canon G9 and started shooting pictures everywhere.
But suddenly as I held the camera to make more photos, I found this!
Oh no! Why is it cracked? I couldn't figure out anything at the moment. So I went to seek immediate medical help. There were a few professional experts on photography equipment at the set. They were all there to see my fractured G9. Their report states that it was slightly melted by constant heat.
What?? But that's impossible!
It was always in its protective sleeve. This kind of thing could never happen. Then, I've finally solved the mystery. It was because I took this picture.
A simple candlelight has turned the camera to its current state. I was just so...stupid...ignorant... and quite possibly retarded!
Whatever...I only know that its damage has left me sad. The only thing left for me to do is to take this to the Canon Repair Shop for a complete makeover.