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Princess " Copy " Birthday Party

01/08 的凌晨12時 ..

在家開了一個小型派對 ..

Princess " Copy  " 的7歲生日party ..

Copy 戴上 Mickey Mouse 頭飾真是很好笑呀 ..

小曲也來裝身一番 ..  bow tie look ... haha

出席的還有 Copy 的好朋友們 ..

謝謝你們的來臨啊 !!


要跟這兩隻小魔怪來拍張三人合照確是有難度 ..

牠們只是望着枱上的生日餅 ..

這一張已是最好的一張啊 ..

生日餅已切開 ..

牠們心急的等著 ..............

haha .. 那專為小狗已製的 chocolate birthday cake ..

我也偷吃了一口 ..

味道不太甜 .. 因為它沒有砂糖 , 只選用蜜糖加添甜味 ..

蛋糕是以燕麥作用料 .. 沒有牛油和麵粉 ..

對小狗來說是較健康啊 ..

在此 .. 祝願愛女 Princess Copy身體健康 .. 長命百歲 ...

今天下午 .. 我的父母來我家探我 ..

雖然說是來看看我 .. 實際 .. 他們是來照顧我呢 ..

媽媽在忙於為我拾屋 .. 爸爸就煮飯煲湯 ..

他們愛我及關心我 .. 我又點會不知呢 ..

今天我才知道 .. 我爸爸也是我 blog 的讀者 ..

真是估不到 .. haha

其實近這一個月自己的身體狀況也不大好 ..

坦白說 .. 以往的傷風感冒 , 發燒 .. 我也不會看醫生 ..

服點成藥待它好轉吧 ..

但今次 .. 我不得再拖了 ..  只因 .. 我也不清楚原因 ..

沒告知家人狀况 .. 真是不想他們擔心 ..

只向 best friend Fanny , CC  和保險 agent 提及過 ..

待明天 check 完再算啊 ~~ 或許只是最近壓力太大所引致的小毛病啊 ..

Opened a small party at home.

The 7th birthday party for Princess "Copy "

Copy looks funny when wearing that Mickey Mouse hat.

Siu Kuk even came dressed up with a bow-tie look ... haha

Other attendees included Copy's good friends.  Thanks for coming!

It is pretty difficult to gather these two little gremlins for a group photo of 3.

They only set their eyes on the birthday cake on the table.

This photo looked the best...

Birthday cake is now cut..

They've all been impatiently waiting for this..........

haha....This is a birthday cake custom-made for the little mutts..

Even I managed to sneak in to grab a bite.

It doesn't taste too sweet because it wasn't made of sugar.  Only honey and sweetening were used for it..

Oatmeal was used as an ingredient for this cake.  Therefore, there is no butter or flour involved here.  This is very nutritous for dogs.  Also, I would to wish my baby, Princess Copy to live a healthy and long lasting life.  

My parents stopped by my place for a visit this afternoon.  Although they have said that they're here for a visit but in actuality, they are really here to take care of me.  Mom was busy with the cleaning while Dad cooked and prepared the soup.  They really love me and take concern over me.  How would I not know about that?  Today, I just found out that my dad is a regular reader of my blogs.  This is unbelieveable!  haha!

In fact, I haven't been feeling quite well in the recent month.  To be honest, I usually never see the doctor whenever I get sick with an allergy, fever and etc.  I tend to wait for my recovery through the usual cough syrup.  But I can't let this drag even further this time.  Only because I don't know the real cause of all this.  I don't tell my family about this because I don't want them to worry about me.  I've only mentioned it to my best friends, Fanny & CC and my insurance agent about this.  I'll figure something out after I check in with the doctor tomorrow.  Maybe this is all caused from all the major stress.

大约 16 年 前 0 赞s  11 评论s  0 shares
45862083 0af2fd4d5d
ha ha! she's not as excited as you are. :-D
大约 16 年 ago



Hong Kong
August 7, 2007