演员, 模特儿
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今天晚上本為新電影開工 ..

到現場 , 一切已準備就緒等著時 .. 天文台約晚上十時多掛上八號風球 ..

Oh .. 收工了 .. 改天再拍 ..

家住清水灣 .. 雨不算多 , 但風勢較强 ..

但 .. 卻發生了令我非常憤怒之事 ..

在六月份 .. 香港已持續兩星期下雨的日子 ..

我家已發現有漏水之情況 ..

~~ 天台窗台 ~~

~~ 二樓梯間 ~~

~~ 飯廳窗台 ~~

EQ高的我也觀察好一段日子 .. 才致电地產經紀講解狀況 ..

對方找來師傅作點點的修理 ..

因近這星期雨勢已停下 ..

也沒察覺或可說根本不會有漏水情況發生的可能性 ..

一切還好啊 !!

估不到 .. 今天晚上 ..

漏水情況除之前提及的地方外 , 更伸延至我的衣帽間 ..


oh ~~ shit !! 放近窗台的鞋已弄濕了 ..

還有 ..

我的 Hermes 紙袋也避不過 ..

興幸 .. 我的 35cm brikin  是放於盒內 .. 盒子較厚沒被弄濕 ..

否則 .. 我一定發狂地罵人啊 !!

此刻我已去到極限了 ..

這房子確是我很喜歡的 .. 亦是帶給我最困擾的一間 ..

一而再 , 再二三的問題 , 卻是心煩的 .. ( 還未能解决啊 .. )

若再下去還有事情要突變 ..

我寧願搬走了 ..

只因 .. 我求是一個安樂窩 ..

不是每過幾個月也有事情要令我費心神的居所 ..

There were plans for a movie shoot tonight.  Once everything was ready as we waited at the set, the weather forecast confirmed that there will yet another typhoon at 10pm tonight.  Oh...time to head back home from work and do it another day.  My home is around Clearwater Bay.  The raining wasn't serious but it was rather windy.  However, something had happened which infuriated me with anger.  Some time aroun June, there was been constant raining in Hong Kong for 2 consecutive weeks.  I've discovered that we've got a leakage problem at home.

Rooftop window (天台窗台)

Between the 2nd floor stairways (二樓梯間)

Kitchen room windows (飯廳窗台)

A girl with a high E.Q. like me has kept a good observation for the last while.  So I made the call to the real estate agent to explain the situation.  They got the specialists to make the repairs.  But because the raining has pretty much stopped this week, there was no way to determine whether or not there will be any more leakage.  Things supposedly got back to normal!!  But tonight, the leakage not only continued leaking in the aforementioned spots, it has now extended to my closet.

oh ~~ shit !!  The shoes which I've placed by the window is completely soaked!


My Hermes bag has become a casualty of the rain as well.  Fortunately, my 35cm brikin was contained in a box.  The box was rather thick so it couldn't get soaked.  Otherwise, I will definitely start yelling at some people!!  I've gone up to my limits at this very moment.  Indeed, I do love this room but it has also given me a lot of frustration.  A problem that occurs again and again.  It really frustrates me (and it still hasn't resolved yet.)

If problems continue to arise, I'd rather move out.  Only because I want a place to call my settling nest.  Not a place that frustrates me every few months

16 年多 前 0 赞s  6 评论s  0 shares
45862083 0af2fd4d5d
忍夠了? ninja dog?!? sorry to hear about your stuff getting wet, i hope it is not ruined!
16 年多 ago



Hong Kong
August 7, 2007