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"School Opening Day" Costume Birthday Party|"" 祺開得Win幼稚園開學日 "" 校服生日派對|"" 祺开得Win幼稚园开学日 "" 校服生日派对

Just recently, I've attended school uniform costume birthday party.

Guests who attended the party also came here dressed in school uniforms!! Our group of over 30 people arranged to have dinner in a restaurant around the Tsim Sha Shui area.

Seriously, our outfits should have startled the other restaurant patrons.

The party started as soon as we finished our dinner.

Thirty people walked to the event from the restaurant even if it's just one block away.

But the streets of Tsim Sha Tsui sure looked special at 10:30pm!![](http://www.alivenotdead.com/attachments/2009/10/01/09/35598_200910010919391.thumb.jpg)

Everyone came prepared with their own accessories...

As for the other props like water bottles and brand name products for students...

wingyin mama & sexy baby Kamun were responsible for those.

Just what was the water bottles filled with?  No need to say but it sure wasn't water or fruit juice!

The party was an evening of prize raffles..

The birthday trainer, Winwin gave away a lot of prizes from the raffle.  Thx winwin jie!  We love you!![](http://www.alivenotdead.com/attachments/2009/10/01/09/35598_200910010919392.thumb.jpg)

Of course, the other birthday school principal Kei is also our beloved family member!!

This big brother and PP have been supporting us with back-up!!

As for our other September birthday star...Kenny...Principal Lam...

Your outfit and appearance failed...wakaka...

There were two awards being given on the evening.

The judges are, of course, the principal and our dean!!!

Recipient of the "Best Outfit" Award goes to...Little Winnie...

Definitely surprising to me...or perhaps, my pig-tail look added some bonus points.

This award cup and Sony MP3 is what I got for my prize..

I'm so happy!!!!!

The happiness doesn't stop there.  The "Best School Uniformed Group" Award goes to...

Little J, Kamun and Little Winnie~~~~

But to be honest, our uniforms don't really fit in the school regulations..

The top and bottom part of the uniforms are too short!!!!!

It's no school uniform...the three of us bought it during our trip to Bangkok and Pattaya...

Our prize money of $3000...everyone's happy...

A joyous evening...best wishes to Principal Fung, Dean Leung and Prefect Lam...

All the best and dreams come true .. |

早前出席了一個名為 " 祺開得 Win幼稚園開學曰 " 校服生日派對 ..

當晚出席的朋友們也當穿上有關服飾啊 !!

一行 30人先約在尖沙咀的一酒家吃飯 ..

說真 .. 我們的造型應該有點嚇倒其他食客呢 ......

晚飯過後就是派對的開始了 ..

30人 由酒家行去派對場地雖然只是一個街口 ..

但在1030pm的尖沙咀街頭也是觸目的一群啊 !!

服飾是我們各人自我準備的 ..

至於其他道具 .. 如水壺及學生名牌 ..

則由 wingyin mama & sexy baby Kamun 付責 ..

水壺內注滿了什麼 ?? 不用說吧 .. 一定不是水和果汁呢 ..

這夜派對可說是大抽獎之夜 ..

壽星訓導女主任 winwin 姐 .. 送贈多份禮品作為抽獎啊 !! thx winwin jie .. we  love u ..

當然另一壽星男校長淇哥也是我們錫錫的家人啦 !!

這哥哥 .. 和 PP 嫂嫂一直撐著我啊 !!

至於另一9月生曰之星 .. kenny .. 林校工 ..

你的造型扮相不合格喎 ... wakaka ..

這夜分別設了2個獎項 ..

評審團 .. 當然是校長及訓導主任啦 ..

" 最佳造型獎 " 得主 .. 雲妮小妹 ..

確是超出意外 .. 或許我的假孖辮子造型為我加分了 ..

一個獎杯 + Sony MP3 是我的獎品 ..

好開心啊 !!!!!

開心一浪接一浪 .. 另一獎項 " 最佳校服造型組合 "  得主 ..

小J , Kamun & 雲妮小妹 ~~~~

說真 .. 我們的校服是不合校規呢 ..

上身太短 .. 下身也是啊 !!!!!!

不是什麽學校的服飾 .. 只是我們3人在 bankok &  pattaya 旅行時買下的 ..

$3000獎金 .. 皆大歡喜 ..

一個開心的晚上 .. 祝願馮校長 .. 梁訓導主任及林校工 ..

All the best and dreams come true ..




早前出席了一个名为 " 祺开得 Win幼稚园开学曰 " 校服生日派对 .. 当晚出席的朋友们也当穿上有关服饰啊 !! 一行 30人先约在尖沙咀的一酒家吃饭 .. 说真 .. 我们的造型应该有点吓倒其他食客呢 ...... 晚饭过后就是派对的开始了 .. 30人 由酒家行去派对场地虽然只是一个街口 .. 但在1030pm的尖沙咀街头也是触目的一群啊 !! 服饰是我们各人自我准备的 .. 至于其他道具 .. 如水壶及学生名牌 .. 则由 wingyin mama & sexy baby Kamun 付责 .. 水壶内注满了什麽 ?? 不用说吧 .. 一定不是水和果汁呢 .. 这夜派对可说是大抽奖之夜 .. 寿星训导女主任 winwin 姐 .. 送赠多份礼品作为抽奖啊 !! thx winwin jie .. we  love u .. 当然另一寿星男校长淇哥也是我们锡锡的家人啦 !! 这哥哥 .. 和 PP 嫂嫂一直撑着我啊 !! 至于另一9月生曰之星 .. kenny .. 林校工 .. 你的造型扮相不合格喎 ... wakaka .. 这夜分别设了2个奖项 .. 评审团 .. 当然是校长及训导主任啦 .. " 最佳造型奖 " 得主 .. 云妮小妹 .. 确是超出意外 .. 或许我的假孖辫子造型为我加分了 .. 一个奖杯 + Sony MP3 是我的奖品 .. 好开心啊 !!!!! 开心一浪接一浪 .. 另一奖项 " 最佳校服造型组合 "  得主 .. 小J , Kamun & 云妮小妹 ~~~~ 说真 .. 我们的校服是不合校规呢 .. 上身太短 .. 下身也是啊 !!!!!! 不是什么学校的服饰 .. 只是我们3人在 bankok &  pattaya 旅行时买下的 .. $3000奖金 .. 皆大欢喜 .. 一个开心的晚上 .. 祝愿冯校长 .. 梁训导主任及林校工 .. All the best and dreams come true ..      

接近 15 年 前 0 赞s  7 评论s  0 shares
Rottendoubt : yes .. she is my sexy baby .. My best fd Kamun =)
接近 15 年 ago
45862083 0af2fd4d5d
ha ha, i saw your people in Singapore i think! ;-)
接近 15 年 ago



Hong Kong
August 7, 2007