Official Artist
Winnie Leung
Actor , Model
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sorry dad .. 忙著 , 改天慶祝吧 !!

這星期也忙於工作 , 

已有多天沒更新網誌了 !!

~~ Canon G9雖然機身大部 , 但它的功能實在太好.. 開工時必帶備物品之一 ..

~~ 這造型 .. 連自己也認不到像我啊 !!

~~ 開工時最愛吃的叉鵝飯 ..

~~ 這雙鞋是我的私伙物品 .. 購於三年前 , 一直沒穿過 .. 誰不知這次穿上時 , 因為太緊而擦傷腳 ..

明天將是漫長的一天 ..

20小時的工作時間啊 ..

連父親節也沒時間陪爸爸慶祝 , 要改為下星期 ..

之後 .. 休息幾天 .. 再為月底開拍的新電影而作戰吧 !!

I've been busy with work for this week and I haven't posted any new blog entry for several days!!

The Canon G9 may be bulky but it's functions are absolutely fantastic.  An absolute necessity to bring along for work.

I could barely recognize myself in this image.

My favorite meal at work.  Rice with duck and barbecue pork.

These pairs of shoes are a part of my private collection.  I bought it 3 years ago and never took the time to wear them once.  But who'd knew that I'd hurt my feet due to a tight fitting.

Tomorrow is going to be a long day.  I have a 20 hour work shift.  I can't even spare the time to spend Father's Day with my daddy.  I have to postpone it for next week.  Then, I'll get a few days of rest and work once again for another new movie at the end of the month!!

over 16 years ago 0 likes  13 comments  0 shares
Photo 82937
then? when u r free to hotpot with me and wingyin ah?
over 16 years ago
Photo 50475
Winnie, your new hairdo looks really great - like it.
over 16 years ago
45862083 0af2fd4d5d
i like it too.
over 16 years ago
Photo 23329
you looking fabulous
over 16 years ago
Photo 52934
Work Hard... Play Hard... Easy said than done in HK.... :)
over 16 years ago


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August 7, 2007