演员, 模特儿
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今天下午到柴灣影樓影相 ..


今天見她的手指弄傷了 ..

細問下 .. 原來是兩個月前弄傷的後患 ..

還記得那時候 , 她弄傷腰部也撐著拍攝 ..

在我心中 ..  她確是一位專業的演員 .. 更是個可人兒啊 !!

祝願你早日康復 ..  >.<

另一個新相識的朋友仔 Tayna ..

合作了兩次 .. 電影和 EO2表演嘉賓 ..

外表 Cool 的她 ..

其實在開工時 , 也是較沉默的 ..

但其爽朗率直的性格 , 我頗欣賞啊 !!

近這兩個多月 ..

總是在怨氣聲音下的環境過著 ..

由外 , 由內產生這反應也好 ..

確是令自己的能量及EQ指數拉低下來 ..

想說 .............

隨和不等於隨便 ..

有些事 .. 是必須告知的 ..            

就當給我 .. 作一個準備也好吧 !!Headed down to a photo house in Chai-Wan for a photo shoot this afternoon.

It's been well over a month ago since I saw Ankie.  But today, I see that she has injured her finger.  After a bit of asking, I found out that it's the result of her injury from a couple of months ago.  Recollecting back from those times, she insisted on filming despite her hip injury.  In my eyes, she is indeed a very professional actor and she is very likeable as well.  I hope you'll get a speedy recovery.  >.<

This is Tanya, another newly met friend.  We've collaborated twice as a special performance guest for the EO2 concert and another time for a movie.  Despite her cool appearance, she is actually pretty quiet on the set.  But I like that straight-forward personality of hers.  In the last couple of months, I've been seemingly surrounded by spiteful noises.  It doesn't matter if it's coming from outside or within.  It really does lower my energy and EQ.  

What I wanted to say is.........

Being amiable doesn't mean you can always do as you please.  For certain things, consent is a must.  The least you can do is let me prepare myself!

大约 16 年 前 0 赞s  11 评论s  0 shares
45862083 0af2fd4d5d
ankie! I love her...
大约 16 年 ago
Admin bear cimg7673
Woah... jealous of the photographer...
大约 16 年 ago
37520 200909222230394 dot thumb
Thats ankie...the Nat geo girl..a good friend of mine..Brum and Bass feak...like me.....nice hairdo btw...jun kung....
接近 16 年 ago



Hong Kong
August 7, 2007