Official Artist
Winnie Leung
Actor , Model
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喜歡深夜駕駛的感覺 ..

兜一兜圈 .. 有限的車廂空間 ..

那刻 .. 確是自己跟心靈靜靜溝通的機會和減壓的方法之一 ..

雲妮是典型的雙魚座女生 ..

遇有情緒不穩 , 強烈的排擠效應也因而影響事業和私生活 ..

從而變成互為的包袱 ..

經一事 .. 長一智 ..

固有的模式是時候改變了 ..

別讓它成為一個障礙 ..

性格決定命運 ..

態度決定成敗 ..

今天 .. 放下了固有的態度及想法 ..

拿起勇氣去作一個嘗試 ..

得來的回覆是可喜的 ..

原來 ..

一直阻礙自己 .. 就是我本人 ..

I love the feeling of driving late at night.  Take the wheels for a stroll in unlimited space.  At that moment, I feel as if I can stay at peace with my soul and it is a good way to relieve some of my stress.  Winnie is a typical Aquarius girl.  Facing emotional imbalance and strong opposition can heavily affect anyone's career and private life.  And thus, it becomes unnecessary heavy baggage for people.

Learn from one's mistake.

Sometimes, a set lifestyle needs a change of pace.  Don't let it become an obstacle.  Let your character decide your destiny and your attitude decide for your victory or loss.  Today, I've let go of certain attitudes and ways of thinking.  If you pick up some courage to give something else a try, you'll received many great returns.

As it turns out...

The only thing standing in my way is myself

over 16 years ago 0 likes  7 comments  0 shares


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Hong Kong
Member Since
August 7, 2007