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Winnie Leung
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Taipei Day 3

On the third day of the Taiwan trip...

we've decided to walk around Zhong-kau Road East... Due to the fact that Taiwan has too many delicacies...

I decided to eat only a small portion of food per meal.  I dare not to get too full!!

It's better to have lots of meals in small portions!!

I've already shopped for too many clothing on Day 2.

So I was getting strapped on cash in Taiwanese currency.

However, my lust for shopping was never diminished!!

Because I had already found a back-up plan...and that is to exchange foreign currency...haha...

A beauty salon for pets located at Zhong-kau Road East...

From concept to decor...

it is something I've always dreamt about opening in the future.

In order to fulfill my goal, I will have to word even harder!! On the evening, I went to have Shanghainese food with EO2's Osman & Eric, director Lawrence Lau and his crew as they are in Taiwan to promote "Permanent Residence".  

haha...it was a pretty filling meal!!

Then I went to shop around at the night markets...   |

台北第三天 ..

決定到忠孝東路逛逛 ..

由於台灣美食太多了 ..

所以我每餐只吃少少 , 不敢吃得太多 !!

少吃多餐吧 ~~

Day 2 行程我已買得太多衣服了 ..

帶來的台幣已所剩無己 ..

但是日購物慾 .. 也沒大減 !!

皆因我已找到强大後盾 , 兌換了台幣 ... hha ..

位於忠孝東路四段的一所寵物美容店 ..

由概念到裝修 ..

也是我夢想將來開到的店舖 ..

為了實踐這目標 , 我會好好努力呀 !!

晚上 .. 跟 EO2 Osman & Eric , 劉國昌導演及一班在台北宣傳 " 永久居留 " 電影的台前幕後吃上海菜 ..

HaHa .. 又吃得飽飽啊 !!

之後再到師大路夜市及市林夜市再購物呢 ~~


台北第三天 .. 决定到忠孝东路逛逛 .. 由於台湾美食太多了 .. 所以我每餐只吃少少 , 不敢吃得太多 !! 少吃多餐吧 ~~ Day 2 行程我已买得太多衣服了 .. 带来的台币已所剩无己 .. 但是日购物欲 .. 也没大减 !! 皆因我已找到强大後盾 , 兑换了台币 ... hha .. 位於忠孝东路四段的一所宠物美容店 .. 由概念到装修 .. 也是我梦想将来开到的店铺 .. 为了实践这目标 , 我会好好努力呀 !! 晚上 .. 跟 EO2 Osman & Eric , 刘国昌导演及一班在台北宣传 " 永久居留 " 电影的台前幕後吃上海菜 .. HaHa .. 又吃得饱饱啊 !! 之後再到师大路夜市及市林夜市再购物呢 ~~  

over 15 years ago 0 likes  3 comments  0 shares
Photo 104809
祝你開寵物美容店的夢想成功! 但如果事成的話, D小寵物剪毛修甲乾乾淨淨好啦... 唔好攪染毛水晶甲呢D誇張野.. 實在是人類一廂情願合理化的軟性虐畜...
over 15 years ago


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