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Winnie Leung
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The summer season.

Where many big productions begin to screen in cinemas.  The Dark Knight, John Woo's Red Cliff and even my favorite male actor Will Smith in Hancock.  And so on...

From the films that I've mentioned, I had never seen any of them.


There is one film recommended by the Hong Kong International Film Festival.  It's a film that takes the subject matter of the Tin Shui Wai community.

Just a couple of days ago, I went out to see "The Way We Were". 

It's a low budget production.  There's no well known or popular actors in this movie.  They basically casted elder actors from ATV (Pau Hei-Ching and Chan Lai-Wan.  They also got a new male actor named Leung Chun-Lung.

Pau Hei-Ching (elder sister to 'Crouching Tiger Hidden Dragon' cinematographer Peter Pau) and Chan Lai-Wan are very good actors.  Frankly speaking, what had convinced me to spend 90 minutes in the theatre was her.  Director Ann Hui.  This is no typical commercial film.  There is not much of a climax in the plot either.  Everything seems so casual.  In a way, it feels like an RTHK program.  But you can sense a bit of reality in it.  Filming locations include places like the escalator alley, community plaza, the streets, restaurants and etc.  It immediately reminds me of the days when I used to live in the projects.  When we watch a lot of films filled with fantasy and unrealistic element in plot, that warm feeling in a wonderful little film like this does indeed feel good and convincingly real.|  

暑假檔期 ..

很多大製作的電影也紛紛上畫 ..

" The Dark K Night " ( 蝙蝠俠 - 黑夜之神 ) , " Red Cliff  " ( 赤壁 ) ......

 還有我很喜愛的男影星 Will Smith  主演的 " Hancock " ( 街頭超人 ) .. 等

以上提及的 .. 一套也未觀看 ..

相反 ..

一部被今年香港國際電影節選映其中一部以天水圍社區為題的電影 ..

" 天水圍的日與夜 "  .. 早兩天已看過了 ..

低成本製作 , 沒有什麼知名或偶像派演員參與演出 ..

起用亞洲電視前輩演員鮑起靜和陳麗雲 , 再配上男新演員梁進龍 ..

鮑姐和麗雲姐是有演技的演員 ..

老實說 .. 能令我在戲院內坐90分鐘看此片的 , 就因為她 .. 許鞍華導演 ..

此片不是一般商業電影 ..

故事情節也不大起伏 ..

一切來得平實 .. 感覺有點像看港台製作的節目一樣 ..

但 .. 那份真實是深深的感受到 ..

戲中拍攝的地方 .. 如電梯走廊 , 屋苑商場 , 街市 , 酒樓 .. 等 ..

卻令我想起童年時在屋苑生活的日子 ..

當我們看了很多虛幻不實的電影情節時 ..

那類溫情 , 寫實的小品確是來得舒服和實在的 .. |   暑假档期 .. 很多大製作的电影也纷纷上画 .. " The Dark K Night " ( 蝙蝠侠 - 黑夜之神 ) , " Red Cliff  " ( 赤壁 ) ......  还有我很喜爱的男影星 Will Smith  主演的 " Hancock " ( 街头超人 ) .. 等 以上提及的 .. 一套也未观看 .. 相反 .. 一部被今年香港国际电影节选映其中一部以天水围社区为题的电影 .. " 天水围的日与夜 "  .. 早两天已看过了 .. 低成本製作 , 没有什麽知名或偶像派演员参与演出 .. 起用亚洲电视前辈演员鲍起静和陈丽云 , 再配上男新演员梁进龙 .. 鲍姐和丽云姐是有演技的演员 .. 老实说 .. 能令我在戏院内坐90分钟看此片的 , 就因为她 .. 许鞍华导演 .. 此片不是一般商业电影 .. 故事情节也不大起伏 .. 一切来得平实 .. 感觉有点像看港台製作的节目一样 .. 但 .. 那份真实是深深的感受到 .. 戏中拍摄的地方 .. 如电梯走廊 , 屋苑商场 , 街市 , 酒楼 .. 等 .. 却令我想起童年时在屋苑生活的日子 .. 当我们看了很多虚幻不实的电影情节时 .. 那类温情 , 写实的小品确是来得舒服和实在的 ..

about 16 years ago 0 likes  13 comments  0 shares
Photo 50475
Never live 屋苑生活, but lived in small suburb (not London) in UK. Although my wife is from 屋苑 and I have family and a friend living at 天水圍. I have been to 天水圍 twice. This film sounds very interesting since 天水圍 does need more help than many other places in N.T. (so badly developed - just houses but no major work to support the poor and not so well educated). It is also a laugh that 天水圍 has NO serious and major health structure! Having lived in the UK and Europe for twenty five years. Hong Kong is very bad for the poor people - NO minimum wages and bad working hours / situations + relatively expensive public transportation. I will try to watch it - definitely.
about 16 years ago
45862083 0af2fd4d5d
sounds interesting. I need to find out where Tin Shui Wai is first... hancock isn't that good... seeing batman tomorrow. ;-)
about 16 years ago
Chungtsang 5b chungtsang
I'm planning to see this moving Saturday nite. Looking forward to it. I'm from the projects too, so should be interesting. I saw a doc on Tin Shui Wai by King Wai Cheng. He worked with Ann Hui and he's go a film that takes a very interesting look into life in that area too. http://www.cnex.org.cn/2007/alls_right_with_the_world/
about 16 years ago
Kenjilui 15 blog profile
about 16 years ago
Chungtsang 5b chungtsang
This movie is AMAZING!!! I loved it so much. It's made with such care and finesse. Too bad it's so hard to catch this movie. I saw it at the HK film archieve. Not sure when I can see it next. I love Hong Kong and its people. Ann Hui capture this life so perfectly.
about 16 years ago
Chungtsang 5b chungtsang
Btw, where did you see this? I would like recomend more friends to watch. The Mid-Autume festival Candle playing brings back memories of childhood. I love that holiday. So much fun playing with fire w/ kids in the projects.
about 16 years ago
Chungtsang 5b chungtsang
I found out they're playing this at the broadway cinematique in Yau ma tei. I have a link in my blog.
about 16 years ago


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