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WingYin crazy and funny bday party

December 27th.

Attended my former assistant, wingyin mama's birthday party.

haha... The required dress code for the party on that evening is for girls to dress like guys and boys to dress up like girls.  You also have the option of attending the party with a pair of glasses on.

Yup!  On the afternoon of that party, I bought alot of odd-looking glasses.

Zoie Zoie brought a pair of "Lam Ah-Jan" glasses.  And it looks good on me too!  As for the pair that I bought for her, it's not too shabby either!  (Translator's note:  Lam Ah-Jan is a character made famous by HK actress Josephine Siao, aka Siu Fong Fong, in the early 70s)

My lovely friends...Rico, Ah Fay, Cindy, Eric, MaMa and Alan gathered for one big group photo!!

happy birthday to mama ...





12月27日 ..

出席了前助手 wingyin mama 的 Birthday Party ..

haha ..

那夜 party 的 dress code 是女扮男 .. 男扮女 .. 或是配戴眼鏡出席 ..

Yap .. 派對那天早午 .. 我買了多款怪怪的眼鏡 ..

Zoie Zoie 帶來的林亞珍眼鏡我戴上也不錯啊 !! haha .. 至於她配戴了我買的 $$  , 也OK 喎 !!

my lovely fds .. Rico  , 亞肥 , Cindy , Eric , MaMa and Alan也要來一張合照吧 !!

happy birthday to mama ...





12月27日 .. 出席了前助手 wingyin mama 的 Birthday Party .. haha .. 那夜 party 的 dress code 是女扮男 .. 男扮女 .. 或是配戴眼镜出席 .. Yap .. 派对那天早午 .. 我买了多款怪怪的眼镜 .. Zoie Zoie 带来的林亚珍眼镜我戴上也不错啊 !! haha .. 至于她配戴了我买的 $$  , 也OK 喎 !! my lovely fds .. Rico  , 亚肥 , Cindy , Eric , MaMa and Alan也要来一张合照吧 !! happy birthday to mama ...        

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Hong Kong
August 7, 2007