每日報章 , 電視也報導着四川大地震的新聞 ..
在街上 .. 多個團體也發起籌款活動 ..
每張圖片 , 每個畫面 .. 也教人心傷流淚 ..
這兩天 .. 和 wakeboard 的知己們已同共籌得五位數的善款 ..
災區的同胞們 .. 支持和振作下去啊 !!
無情的天災 , 帶走數萬生命 ..
今天的我們是多麼幸福呢 ??
珍惜身邊人 , 自己擁有的一切吧 ..
把欺騙 .. 憤怒 .. 妒忌那些傷害性的行為删除吧 ..
一切由心 .. 去愛 ..
美麗的世界是我們最想見的 ..
最後 .. 希望各善心人仕 .. 向四川災民給予支持及關懷 ..
News updates of the earthquake incident in Sichuan, China has been posted everyday on the newspaper and on television. There are charity functions being organized by many members of the media. Each of these photos, and images have kept people disheartened and left in tears.
In the last two days, I've gathered a 5 digit amount of money with my friends at wakeboard to donate for the cause of helping those in need. Hang in there, fellow expats in the disaster area! This heartlessly natural disaster has taken away thousand of lives. Are the many of us living in such happiness today? Cherish those around you and everything you have. Delete all your harmful acts of deception, anger and jealousy. Love everything from your heart. A beautiful world is what we want to see most. Lastly, I hope all humanitarians can give concern and support for the victims in Sichuan.
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