這段日子除了拍攝電視劇外 ...
亦要為電影 有隻僵屍暗戀你 (The Vampire Who Admires Me)作宣傳活動 ..
呢首歌曲 .. 主唱 : EO2 feature 孟瑤 , JJ ..
Yep .. 整首歌聽完後 ...
頭 Part Rap的部份 ... 確是演繹到這電影的 " 驚嚇度 " ......
真是 ~~~~~~~~ 無話可說 ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
Other than filming for a drama series these days, I have to be committed for promotional work for a new movie titled "The Vampire Who Admires Me".
The theme song is performed by EO2 featuring Meng Yao and JJ.
The first few rapping parts of the song does indeed give you an idea of the horrific aspects of the movie.
It makes me so......speechless...
Might as well listen to the performance of the singers here.