演员, 模特儿
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雲妮 ~~ 全軍覆沒的一天

這兩多個星期 .. 情緒是波動的 ..

早陣子 , 才把某些問題處理好 .. 由壓力 ,  徬徨 .. 化為原動力 , 尋找另一條道路再行下去 ..

一切還未見曙光 , 但那份信心已拾回了 ..

正當心中那一團火再度燃燒之時 ..

昨午又出現另一個問題 .. 整個下午忙著 , 苦惱著 , 找尋解決的辨法 ..

低處未算低 .. 估不到 , 凌晨時份的另一件事情 .. 完全把那團火弄至熄滅 ..

那病毒侵蝕我的思緒速度極快 .. 不消一會 " " 了下來 ........

今早帶著軀殼 .. 到髮型屋整理頭髮準備工作 ..

詠妍 mama 見我第一眼 , 已忍不住說了一句 :  "baby , 你沒事嘛 !! " ..

我沒有把所遇到的問題告知她 ............

她關心地詢問我吃了東西沒有 .. 老實說 .. 真是沒什麼胃口 .. 只輕輕的說句 " 唔該 .. 多士和熱奶茶 " ..

她還跟我開玩笑 .. 剛喝完一杯齋啡 , 再喝奶茶 .. 不怕肚子痛嗎 ?? 其實 .. 我沒說 , 今早離家前我已喝了兩杯齋啡呢 ??

髮型師 Patrick 幫我把頭髮弄得很美 , 真的很喜歡 .. 臨走前我跟他說 , 過了今天 , 想換個新型像 , 換個全新的髮型 .. ( 心底裡 , 我是想改變自己 .. )

下午二時多 .. 我們在遊艇上宣傳電影 " 我老婆係賭聖 " ..

今天天氣是凉了 , 亦很大浪 .. 可能本來已有點頭痛 , 上船不夠一會我已暈船浪 , 很辛苦 !!

整個儀式 , 我也是撐著的做下去 .. ( 不論是玩遊戲 , 文字訪問 , 電視訪問及影相 )

每次也是說句 " 好 " .. 心吸一大口氣 .. 再說 " 來吧 !! " ....

儀式到尾聲 .. 真是撐不住 .. 要吐了 !!

落船後 , 因要趕去為婚紗show做fitting .. 詠姸 mama 知我跟本不能自己駕駛 .. 她主動提出作為司機 .. thx and love u .. baby !!

今天 .. 雲妮沒有帶相機 , 把工作的花絮相拍下來跟大家分享 ..

只因 .. 心是灰色的 .. 拍下來的照片也是一樣呢 ..................... !!

I've been rather moody for the past 2 weeks.  Just a while ago, I had to handle some problems.  I've turned pressure and stress into motivation to find another path for further development.  I haven't found that ray of hope but the confidence has returned.  Take it as that exact moment when the flame within you begins to burn again.  

Another problem arose yesterday afternoon.  I remained busy for the entire afternoon.  I've been distressed about finding a resolution to the problem.  It wasn't the worst of the worst.  I never expected that the problem from midnight hasn't been completely resolved.

That virus has quickly eaten my mood away and had fallen without a word.  I've brought its shell this morning to a hair salon for its hair preparation.  Mama Wing-Yin saw me and couldn't resist to say, "baby, are you okay?"

I didn't tell her everything about the situation.  As concerned as she was, she asked me if I had eaten anything yet.  To be honest with you, I really have no appetite for food.  So I merely said in a light manner that I wanted toast and a warm glass of milk tea.  She even joked with me and asked if I'm not afraid of having a stomachache from drinking milk tea after plain coffee.  In fact, I never mentioned anything about drinking two cups of plain coffee before leaving home.

Patrick the hair stylist helped out and made my hair look pretty.  I really like it.  Before I left, I even said to him that I want to switch to a new hair style after today.  I wanted a new image.  (What I really had in mine was a complete change for myself.)

Just about 2pm in the afternoon, we were promoting the movie "My Wife is a Gambling Maestro" at a yacht.  The weather has been quite chilly today and the waves were pretty big as well.  I probably had a headache too.  I got seasick within minutes after boarding the yacht.  It was unbearable!!

I've been holding it in throughout the entire ceremony.  That includes all the games, magazine/television interview and photo shooting.  Every time the word "okay" is uttered, I take a deep breath and say "let's do it!"  Once the ceremony came to a finish, I couldn't take it.  I had to vomit!

Once we got off the yacht, Mama Wing-Yin arranged a driver for me because she knew I was in no condition to drive despite the fact that I had to be on my way to a fitting for a wedding dress show.  thx and love u .. baby !!

Winnie didn't bring any cameras today.  So there's no photos from work to share with everyone!  It's just that my heart has gone grey.  Photos taken would just be the same.

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Hong Kong
August 7, 2007