為博愛醫院籌募 " 流動中醫醫療車 " 的慈善活動..
" 至尊紅白藍愛心音樂日 " 於昨天在奧海城舉行 ..
今次揾來好友康仔幫手 ..
除了獻唱外 , 更捐出他的太陽眼鏡作慈善拍賣 ..
thx dear ..
另一拍賣物品是由許冠傑先生捐出的結他 ..
小龜貼紙很可愛啊 !!
The "Red, White & Blue Music Day" charity function for Pok Oi Hospital's "Chinese medicine on the go service" event took place yesterday at Olympian City.
This time, they've invited William So to help out. Besides performing with a few songs, he also donated his sunglasses for charity auctioning.
thx dear ..
Another auction item includes an acoustic guitar courtesy of Mr. Sam Hui.
That turtle sticker is so cute!!