Winnie Shum - my official artist profile
Official Artist
Winnie Shum
Actor , Model
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About Winnie Shum

Originally from Vancouver, Canada, Winnie Shum entered the entertainment industry through the Miss Hong Kong pageant in 2004. Following the pageant, Winnie joined TVB (Televison Broadcast) as her management company and was involved in a series of dramas. After three years with TVB, she decided to switch to management companies and began working with ATV (Asia Television) until present. While at ATV, her dramatic roles have increased in prominence and were involved in various Variety progrmas. Currently, she is a freelance artiste.

Winnie loves to act! She enjoys playing every role she gets. However, she has never been involved in movie productions; since both the companies she has worked for were television companies. She is looking forward in new challenges and cooperations with new production companies. Feel free to leave Winnie a message if you're interested in getting her resume! Thanks!

Biography Nationality : Canadian Height : 172cm Weight : 54kg Languages spoken : English, Cantonese, Mandarin Sports : Swimming, Basketball, Ice Skating, Skiing

Work Experiences :

Television Dramas


 2006年:《人生馬戲團》 飾 趙蘭蘭  2006年:《法證先鋒》 飾 Fanny  2006年:《鳳凰四重奏》飾 魯杏芬(六十年代末)  2007年:《學警出更》 飾 藍詠詩  2007年:《奸人堅》飾 娟妹  2007年:《同事三分親》飾 娟  2008年:《野蠻奶奶大戰戈師奶》飾 Flora  2008年:《秀才愛上兵》飾 香水  2008年: 《古靈精探》 飾 Ada  2008年: 《當狗愛上貓》 飾 Pat  2008年:《大冬瓜》飾 小甜

ATV  2008年:《火蝴蝶》 飾 趙凱琪  2008年:《法網群英》飾 江玲玲

Variety Production TVB  2006-2007年 :《一擲千金》Deal or No Deal ATV  2008年:《今日法庭》  2008年:《高清打機王》  2008年:《識飲識吃識鄉味》 Movie  2008年:《短暫的生命》

Interesting facts about Winnie Shum

Languages Spoken english, cantonese, mandarin
Location Hong Kong
Gender female
English Name Winnie Shum
Traditional Chinese Name 沈穎婷
Member Since October 11, 2008
Fans 43
Profile Views 88,501


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Languages Spoken
english, cantonese, mandarin
Location (City, Country)
Hong Kong
Member Since
October 11, 2008