今天是我来到广州的第4天了,昨天去参加了本次大赛的开幕仪式,从这次的比赛规模可以看出,广东省对此次比赛有多重视。我们北京代表团在这里的一切费用和待遇都是免费的.听我们领导说,广东省为了办好这次比赛,花了30个亿呢。毕竟是政府行为,出手真的不同凡响啊。我们运动员们就自然成了受益人了!所以我一定要表现好,争取打好这次比赛。给北京人民争光!^_^ 。。。
Today it has been 4 days i arrived in Guangzhou . I went to the openning ceremony last night and the Guangzhou authority spent a lot of money for this competition. Everything was free for us like food, hotel, drinks...(but no girls !)So i have to work really hard to be among the best !!!
Actully , for this competition i dont have any pressure on me.even though there are only 4 wushu athletes of us came to this competition from beijing , i think we can all be placed and then filled our mission !
im also very happy that Mark could come to visit me from HK.we could chatted , drinking...and ate sea foods together, we had some great time together... . But the happy time was short . because he left today . but its okay... we will see each other again soon . cause i am going to visit him in Hk in four days !!!
明天就该我上场,明天我比醉剑,祝我好运吧 。。。!!!
tomorrow i will going to compete in drunken swork ... so wish me luck please ... !!!
那是个电子的荧屏舞台 ...
The 8th national tradiyional games of ethnic minorities of the people"s republic of china
现场表演 ... people performing ....
马克和我 mark and me
马克 mark filming
好多人啊 ... so many people ...
广东省真的花了很多钱办这次比赛 !!! i can tell they spent alot of money ... !!!
天下风云出我辈,一入江湖岁月催。 宏图霸业谈笑中,不胜人生一场醉。 吴迪的新浪微博:http://t.sina.com.cn/invincibleadi 工作邮箱E-mail:invinciblespear@gmail.com