Another meet up in beijing . we had dinner together at "Da gui" restaurant .Raffi came .but Andrew couldn't show up.i know he must very busy ... next timel la ! good luck with the new movie ... looking forward to see u again brother !!!
又是一次AnD聚会,这次比较简单的晚餐。再次想感谢Raffi请大家在“大贵”餐厅吃饭!!! 很遗憾 连凯哥哥由于工作繁忙,没能赶来。没关系,知道你一定有事缠身,下次啦!听说你又会香港拍新片了,加油吧,很期待你们的新作品!
Raffi 其实你的鼻子挺好看的。不是很大,哈哈!
My man Christopher Lay .(他是我的私人摄影师,哈哈)
Raffi . me . Karen. Chris
Me and Raffi .
Sunny sun. 诺回来了,很想你呢!你丫在好莱坞好好干啊,希望有机会我们能合作!:)
Long time no see . kind miss this guy ... nuo ! jiayou ...
阿牛也赶来了. 兄弟,我快回来了,等我回来再聚!
Firebird . Karen . me . Zhang Lanxin
张“ 蓝心”小姐和我。 Lanxin Zhang . My classmate of my UNI.we were like growed up togther ... really good friend . and she used to be the National Champion of Taekwondo.she went became a still model in 2008 . only one year ... she made on the Chinese FHM so many times, and for this time, she is on the cover !!! well done ...
再次恭喜“ 蓝心”荣登男人装封面。我们是什刹海体校的校友,也是北体大的同班同学,拥有“全国跆拳道冠军”头衔的她在08年转行做了平面模特,而且做的非常成功!我太为姐们儿感到自豪了!短短一年的时间,看到了你的飞速成长!打心里为你骄傲,继续努力吧,前途无限!记住我跟你说过的话,你一定会在很短的时间内,有一个大跨度的进步的!加油 ...Congratulations to Lanxin Zhang. for her first time got on the Chinese FHM ( For him magazine)cover . U did a great job for a such short time !!! jiayou ... hope u have a bright future !!!
天下风云出我辈,一入江湖岁月催。 宏图霸业谈笑中,不胜人生一场醉。 吴迪的新浪微博: 工作邮箱