A few days ago i saw pat lee's blog and there was a pic pretty much like this ... so this is my computer and i am not pretend to make this pic ... it just because i like red vin too ! "PAT" if u seeing this pic ...please let me know is that we have the same computer ?
几天前,我在PAT的博客上看到了一个与这张相片相似的照片。我不是故意模仿你,呵呵,只是我也喜欢喝红酒。pat 如果你看到了这个博客,请告诉我,我们的电脑是不是一样的啊???
天下风云出我辈,一入江湖岁月催。 宏图霸业谈笑中,不胜人生一场醉。 吴迪的新浪微博:http://t.sina.com.cn/invincibleadi 工作邮箱E-mail:invinciblespear@gmail.com