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北京武术队队内测验赛(枪术)Beijing wushu team training test (Spear)


2008.April - The beijing wushu team test (Spear)


记得我在上次的博客当中提到过,我们队将在四月中旬进行一次队内测验赛,目的是为了检验我们前一段时间的训练成果。看看编排的套路中还存在什么缺点和不足,则将在下个月的训练当中,抓住重点,得以改进和提高。这是我在测验时的录像,我自己看的时候,觉得套路的编排还可以,就是存在好多细节上的毛病,包括一些扣分点的问题,还有体力明显不足!希望内行的同志们给予点评意见,外行的朋友们就帮我加加油好了,呵呵 ... 我会继续努力的,今年的全国锦标赛是在五月,距离现在还有一个月的时间,我会尽自己最大的努力,争取做到最好!!!等到下一次的赛前测验时,我对自己很有信心,我一定能比现在的状态好很多倍!!!希望大家给予支持和鼓励!!!

Its a video of our team test in April ... so the first competition of this year is in may . so i got one more month to practice harder and prepare for the 2008 chinese wushu nationals qualified competition in Guangxi. hopefully i can get to do better next time !!! i hope some wushu people who seeing this video can give me some advice ... and if u don't know about wushu ... then just say : JIAYOU !!! haha ... i will try my best to make improgress as soon as passible !!!hope that all my friends here ... can give me some surpport !!! cheers ...

16 年多 前 0 赞s  11 评论s  0 shares
Photo 41406
Good job ! you improved a lot your spear me proud of u :)
16 年多 ago
Photo 34731
looks good brother. I see you remember everything i taught you :P hey can you put up the other team members test forms on youtube also? I wana see those sb's
16 年多 ago
Photo 38644
haha ... shahaub !!! u funny ... jiayou ADI ....!!!
16 年多 ago
Baguabf 8d bryantfong
Jiayo WuDi.......spear should look like it is alive, power concentrated at the tip, and moving quickly and lively covering as much space as possible! You did a great job! I'm more old school don't like to hold spear in the middle so much..but that's the style now. Best of luck to you!!
16 年多 ago


天下风云出我辈,一入江湖岁月催。 宏图霸业谈笑中,不胜人生一场醉。 吴迪的新浪微博:http://t.sina.com.cn/invincibleadi 工作邮箱E-mail:invinciblespear@gmail.com


Beijing, China
April 24, 2007