这些天好累啊,刚刚从家里回到北京,就开始了忙碌的训练,今年的男子全国武术比赛是五月24号到26号。会在广西省南宁市举行。北京武术队所有的队员正在紧张的恢复训练和赛前备战当中... 都希望在今年的全国武术比赛上能够拿到好的成绩,争取新的突破。
由于前一段回家过年的时候一直在休息,没有正常的训练课,也没有适当的活动一下,就连出去走路的机会都很少(回家可以开车),每天都是吃!喝!玩!美的不亦乐乎... ! 我的体能,柔韧,以及各个方面退步了!所以这些天的恢复训练就会感到真的特别累,开心的背后就是痛苦啊,这话一点都没有错!最近身体状态特别差,也没有什么时间上来写东西。有空就想躺下歇会 ... 真希望这段疲劳期能够快点过去!
Its been a whlie since last time i post here , cause i got so tired from wushu practice lately.kind getting lazy to do everything ! just wanna sleep all the time ... ! when i just got back from my hometown liaoning . i started to train again as well . but i feel so much painfull of my body ! because i didn't train at all when i stayed in home (not even much wolking) ... to play around with mark in Chaoyang, just eat , drink , and having fun all the time. so when try to start practice again, it feel so hard to move ... i felt i am not myself !
The beijing wushu team is getting ready for the 2008 wushu nationals in GuangXi . the event will from the 24th to 26th in May ... so its not a long time from now . we are practice really hard lately ... and want to improve faster as we can ! and hopefully we can do better then last year !!!
mark and me ... we actully had alot fun in my hometown! i showed him around where did i growed up ... and everything about the northeast culture...!
here are some pics we took from my hometown liaoning chaoyang :
MARK is in my room of shichahai sports school.马克在我的房间。
the bus to my hometown chaoyang.去我家乡的大巴车。
mark ...! what are u eating ?马克,你能告诉我你在吃什么吗?
the wrestling coach zhao guangfu in my home town chaoyang ( left )。 and my first wushu coach Jia lingling (贾玲玲).这是我的武术启蒙老师,她对我来说,是世界上最好的老师,我从她身上学到的不仅仅是怎样练习武术,更重要的是学习怎样去做个好人!
mark and me ...马克和我。
mark and my coach jia laoshi ...my mom and my old teammates,they all retired from wushu right now ...i am the only one who keep doing it !
wanna see more pics please go visit mark's site : http://www.alivenotdead.com/narom/ChaoYang+%281-4-1-7%29%3A+Spring+Festival+in+LiaoNing-profile-95089.html
here is the pic mark took for me from my old teammate's home , i like it alot ... this one it just a text for the wudi fighting pic.so maybe next time we will get to have another one in the wushu hall or some where ... there will has alot of wudi they fighting each other ... that will be so funny ! hey ... mark if u are there ! i wanna see thanks for the everything you'v done for me ...and hope to see u in beijing soon !
天下风云出我辈,一入江湖岁月催。 宏图霸业谈笑中,不胜人生一场醉。 吴迪的新浪微博:http://t.sina.com.cn/invincibleadi 工作邮箱E-mail:invinciblespear@gmail.com