Her name is jojo ... maybe there some of you already knew her, maybe u dont . but anway ... she is the mean chinese editor of our website ... the most of chinese words u saw on AnD are translated by her. she didn't want to tell me her real age ... she just told me that she is much old than me , i dont really think that way ... could u tell tell how old is she from the picture ???
Today is the 2nd weekend before i go to my competition so we take a day off from wushu training .i was really happy and pleasure to met this women in beijing . we went to " lu gang xiao zhen" for dinner and got a cup of drink in the coffee bar.
她是个很有才华的女人,作为一个从小从中国长大的中国人来说,她的英文真的很棒,so much better than me !!! (比我强太多了)所以从现在起,我要把JOJO姐作为我的学习目标和英文水平进步的努力对象。我会不断的努力,希望能有一天我的英文能和你的一样棒!!!
she is a really talent women for me. because her English is really awsome for a chinese girl who was grow up in china.god ... her english is so much better than mine ... she really impressive me alot , i will try to learn english harder and hope there one day my english can be like her's !!!
hey jojo ... it was really nice to meeting you and i hope u will enjoy ur stay here in beijing !!!
天下风云出我辈,一入江湖岁月催。 宏图霸业谈笑中,不胜人生一场醉。 吴迪的新浪微博:http://t.sina.com.cn/invincibleadi 工作邮箱E-mail:invinciblespear@gmail.com