Today i went to the Boxing competition...because i got a friend who were competed there for chinese team. he were competed in 57KG for the qualified of top 8 . he did not bad , and ( 6:5 ) i am so happy that he won !!!
There was black guy from Ecuador . actully he is not bad too ... but it just comepetition !!! and the competition is in china ,,, haha !!! finally my friends Li yang won ... congratulations !!! and hope u will do good at the next competitions ...JIAYOU !!!
(比赛后,李洋在接受美国NBC新闻电视台的采访 My friend liyang doing the interview with the NBC news from the USA )
他的那个对手是来自厄瓜多尔的一个黑人,实力也很强,但是很可惜啊,呵呵。我们是东道主,在我们的地盘上,他明显有点“寡不敌众”。可能被中国人的呐喊声给镇住了,呵呵!不管怎么样,李洋最终还是险胜了这场比赛。希望他能在后面的比赛中调整好状态,一路好运!!! 恭喜李哥 。。。中国队加油!!!
(我和剑飞,Jianfei and me )
I am sorry for the bad quality pics ... cause i didn't bring my cam with me ! so i took those photos with my cellphone , hehe !!!
天下风云出我辈,一入江湖岁月催。 宏图霸业谈笑中,不胜人生一场醉。 吴迪的新浪微博: 工作邮箱