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Interview with NBC Television Station 第一次接受美国NBC电视台的采访

 几天前的一次偶然的机会,通过一个好朋友( Rodney wang)的介绍,我接受了一次来自美国的 NBC电视台的采访。(在这次采访之前,我并不知道 NBC是多么 NB的电视台,我以为就是一家普通的新闻台呢。但是后来,我通过一个在中央电视台做主持人的哥哥告诉我才知道,原来美国的 NBC电视台是一家非常大的电视台,在世界的电视台中一直名列前三名,并且他们是这次北京奥运会美国电视转播的唯一一家电视台。早知道,我多说点好了,呵呵。。。)他们过来我们北京武术队拍摄了我们训练的过程,然后对我进行了采访。他们问了我好多关于我武术生涯的问题,比如,我是如何获得的冠军,又问了我们教练是如何训练我的,我练武术多少年了,我以后人生的梦想是什么等等,等等,挺多的。。。但是结果等他们拿回到电视台里编辑完以后,再加上对李连杰的人生访问,最后剪掉了我说的大部分内容。当然与李连杰相比,我自然差的太多太多,能跟他同时出现在一栏节目里,已经是非常的荣幸了!我要像李连杰老师学习,把中国的文化,中国功夫,发扬光大,走出亚洲,推向世界!让更多的人了解我们这个神秘的现代化东方大国。我觉得自己很幸运,谢谢你们对我的帮助,在这里我想再次感谢我的卢教练和我们的领队对我的帮助和栽培,感谢郝老师对我的帮助,也要感谢Rodney wang,我的好哥们能够介绍给我这次机会!很可惜我在中国不能够看到美国的电视频道,如果我可以的话,我老妈看了一定会很高兴的!呵呵。。。

Here are the pictures from the interview :


I think i will work harder and hopefully i will have another chance to be on the interview again in the future ... hehe !!!  我想我会努力的训练,好好工作,希望能在今后的日子里还能够有机会上NBC的电视节目! 呵呵。。。。

采访是在我们学校的散打馆里进行的。The interview was doing at the Sanshou hall of my school ... i was kind tensed cause i was always worried that my English is not good enough !!!


Me , coach Hao , coach lu of the Beijing wushu team,Camera man , translater , and the producer from NBC.

16 年多 前 0 赞s  27 评论s  0 shares
Photo 41406
Oh that's great !!! I want to see it ^_^ and yes i can tell by your pictures that you were pretty stressed
16 年多 ago
一步一步走向國際了老兄,希望你未來一片光明 ^_^
16 年多 ago
Photo 98287
兄弟不错啊!!! 加油~~
16 年多 ago
Zhouxiaofei 88 zhouxiaofei
16 年多 ago
45862083 0af2fd4d5d
nice, thats pretty big! i'll ask my parents if they saw it... ps - next time wear an alivenotdead shirt! ;-)
16 年多 ago
haha ... oh shit !!! i forgot !!! i am sure la ... there must be another chance ! ADI
16 年多 ago
多谢各位哥哥姐姐的支持。小迪感激不尽!!! ADI
16 年多 ago
Photo 55108
congratulations little bro .... to be interviewed by NBC is huge! tip ... get a copy of the interview from Rodney ... it will be useful for u to have it to look back in later years ...
16 年多 ago
Photo 34128
Dang, probably too famous to hang out anymore. Ha ha. Good job. I'm sure you English fine.
16 年多 ago
Paradox din 81 20131002 din 116 edit
good luck mate! all the best!
16 年多 ago
yeah... they really did cut queit a lot of my interview ... but its okay though ! i think it was my honor to be with jet li on the same clip anyways !!! i think i will ask them for the whole video from the interview then will try to put it up on youtube.com later !!! thanks for the surpprt my friends !!! and thank you so much for the link "flagday"!!! ADI
16 年多 ago
thank you ... o(∩_∩)o cheers !!!
16 年多 ago
Photo 32096
good for you, where can i see the interview!
16 年多 ago
Mariejost 26 dsc00460
Wow, an interview broadcast as part of NBC's Olympic coverage! I'm sorry I missed it. I wonder when it was broadcast? I did watch the Olympics on NBC, but I was also working, so not so much. Don't worry about a lot of it being cut out. They always do that. It has nothing to do with the quality of the interview you gave. They had to pick and choose what they wanted to focus on and they have a very specific time frame, down to the second, that the segment had to fit into. TV is like that.
16 年多 ago
Baguabf 8d bryantfong
Good for you!! I heard about the interview you did from my students........you got coverage!! Usually most media only use a part of an interview.......I did one for a newspaper...and all they used was about 5 sentences......ask the producer for a copy.....they often will do that for you!!
16 年多 ago
Photo 41097
Good job哥们! 哈哈!好样的!继续努力加油啊! 真为你高兴!
16 年多 ago


天下风云出我辈,一入江湖岁月催。 宏图霸业谈笑中,不胜人生一场醉。 吴迪的新浪微博:http://t.sina.com.cn/invincibleadi 工作邮箱E-mail:invinciblespear@gmail.com


Beijing, China
April 24, 2007