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老妈来京(my mom visited me in beijing )

           前两天我老妈来北京了,真的好想她,自从去年过年的时候在一起呆了几天,之后就再也没有见到她,而行千里母担忧啊,老妈想我,惦记着我。虽然每天都给我打电话,但还是见到的感觉会更亲切!首先要恭喜恭喜啊... 我老妈买了新房子.刚刚装修完。(老妈买房子了,怎么说的跟不是我家似的?)这次来北京,第一是来看我,第二也是来北京挑选一些新家需要的小装饰品。老妈在北京待了几天,每天都是忙的不亦乐乎!她是个十足的“购物狂”,一点不夸张的说,跟她去逛街,比我训练都累!也许女人都这样吧...?  

           My mom came to beijing few days ago ... i really do miss her alot ! it was been almost 10 months we didn't see each other ... she missed me too that's why she used to called me everyday ( some of my friends made a joke of me like ... is she really your mom ? how come she called you everyday like a gf ? )of course she worried about me all the time when i am not living with her . cause i am her only son ! and there is a chinese proverb says " 儿er 行xing 千qian 里li 母mu 担dan 忧you "...( if there some one knows how to translate to english , please help ... )  besides i ganna say congratulations to my mom , cause she just got a new house in my hometown " chao yang "! ( its sounds funny ... cause i said congratulate to her , her house is my house too ,i really some one to say congratulate to both of us ! ) for this time she came to beijing , the first reson is visiting me and the 2nd reson is also wants to get some new  adornments for our new house . i took her went to shopping ... then she got busy as hell all the time ... cause she is really a "shopping animal"! there is not exaggerate,when i go shopping with her , i felt even more tired then my wushu practice ...!   maybe the most of wowen are like this ... ???


my friends invited my mom to a very good Thailand restaurant its called“jiao ye”!

妈妈和我... (Me and my mom ...)

我带妈妈去了“东方新天地” (I took her to the " new world of east ")

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天下风云出我辈,一入江湖岁月催。 宏图霸业谈笑中,不胜人生一场醉。 吴迪的新浪微博:http://t.sina.com.cn/invincibleadi 工作邮箱E-mail:invinciblespear@gmail.com


Beijing, China
April 24, 2007