First of all. i wanna say congratulattions to u all !!!!!!!!!!!
you guys did a great job ... me and all friends enjoyed the show a lot !!!
It was my please to got the chance to watch their concert in Beijing.i'v been wait this for so long.
The concert was at "Poly theater". which is big deal here in beijing. and there was full of people.My sifu Robert and Litong was here.and we were hang out for the after party as well.i enjoyed the time when i hang out with u guys so much . and sifu. i will never forget what u told me :-) hope to see u again soon !!!
音乐会是在北京的保利剧院举行的,这也是“音乐瞬间”第一次来北京的演唱会。出乎我意料之外的事,当天全场爆满。我带了近十个朋友过去捧场,观众的反映很强烈。他们在北京的受欢迎程度远远超出了我的想象。真的不错。并且我个人觉得能够在北京看到他们的精彩演出,我感到非常荣幸!我等这一天等了很久了。首先在上海的时候,我们去KTV唱歌,第一次被robert 和丽童的声音所打动。极致的声音,和现场的功力,让我佩服的五体投地,当下拜二位为师!当再次聆听现场时,另我更加激动不已!
演出结束后我参加了他们的庆功宴,大家聊得很开心。受师傅所托,我临时客串了一把舞蹈编导,帮助他们在“SUMMER NIGHT”这首歌里面。编了一些动作,注入一些自己的想法。效果还错,我感到好有成就感,哈哈。。。
on the way back from the art school ...
I was so happy that my mom was there too . 老妈也来捧场了。
Im so happy to met howard mccrary he is a really nice man !!!
Jovita ... me and Divad , they are awesome singers !!! :-)
Howard and 柯以敏 singing at the after party...
Sishu Robertand me 我和师傅:)
Sifu Litong and Me 徐丽东老师和我
天下风云出我辈,一入江湖岁月催。 宏图霸业谈笑中,不胜人生一场醉。 吴迪的新浪微博: 工作邮箱