There are something that i always wanted to try . is to see what my face looks like on the 16:9 movie screen . so a few days ago i just did my first short film project of my life ... I was the "producer" :-) haha ...
but as a "producer" for my own stuff,i got really tired from the project .cause i also had to do acting at the same time !!! which is sucks!!! from the script writting till the shoting done.we spent only 3 days to finished it .before the real shot, i didn't sleep for two days. SOOOOOO Tired !!! but which made feel happy is that i really learnt a lot about action film from this project . very good experience ... some of my friend help me to editting the video right now !!! Can't wait to see it ...
自从有了做艺人的想法以来,一直想尝试去拍个属于自己的电影作品,看看自己到底适不适合做演员。也很想看看自己的脸在16:9的宽屏上是什么样子的。所以在我入关封闭训练前,用了很短的时间,拍摄了我人生第一部短片作品。而且自己做了自己的“制片人”!!! :-) haha ...
剧照: 克里斯 雷Photography byChristopher Lay
Qiaoshi ( makeup artist 化妆师 ) 。 Me (我) 。晔子。张文卿(客串剧务 )
Shahaub(Actor 演员) . Paul(lighting engineer 灯光师) . Me (我). Zhang lei(director 导演) . li yuan(Action choregrapher 武术指导)
十分感谢你们的帮助,大家辛苦了!!!Thank you so much for the support !!!!
天下风云出我辈,一入江湖岁月催。 宏图霸业谈笑中,不胜人生一场醉。 吴迪的新浪微博: 工作邮箱