又快过春节了,一年一度的北京市体育系统春节联欢晚会刚刚结束,在这个晚会上,我们北京武术队的节目每次的被期待值是最高的,因为我们每年都能给人们带来不同的惊喜。特别是去年的那个“ 舞蹈比赛”的节目,夺走了所有人心,呵呵 ... 但是由于在这次晚会之前的训练和学习太忙了,还有前一阵一直在忙那个“龙的传人”的比赛,一直没能有时间和心思去编排集体节目,所以这次我们队里就派了我一个人去代表我们学校表演...这次我还是唱那首"gimme that"...但是唯一有突破的是,我这次唱的不是“环声”(假唱),这次我为了挑战自己,我试着唱了一次现场,唱之前特别怀疑自己能不能唱好,因为音响问题还有我毕竟不是专业的歌手,也没有这种演出经验,我甚至都怕我忘词 !!!但是唱完了感觉还不错,至少我在现场的表现要比之前想象当中的要好些。但是还是有些英文字发音不太准,因为并经是一边唱一边跳的表演,精力不能全部用在唱歌的发音上,还要注意整体的节奏感和台风,有时还会气不够用。行了,我就不在这继续找借口了,一句话,还是不成熟 ... 欠练!!!哈哈。。。还是请您给点评点评吧,别老夸我啊!老是夸奖会骄傲的!!!
Chinese New Years is coming up and the Beijing Sports Office held their annual New Years Celebration. Every year there is a lot of expectations for the performance by the Beijing Wushu Team and every year we suprise them with another great show. Especially last year with the dance perforancefeaturing Shahoub Roudbari. We always touch their hearts deeply. hahahaha.
But this time around I have been very busy with training, school and the Disciple competition, and didn't have any time to figure out what we could do. So the team sent me alone to perform on the stage. So I sang "Gimme That", but this time was different because, unlike the previous performances, this wasn't pre-recorded singing. I had to sing it live. It was my first time to sing this song live so I was a little nervous before going to the stage. I thought it might not go well because there were some issues with the speakers and I'm not a professional singer. I even worried about possibly forgetting the lyrics. hehehehe
In the end it went okay and I thought it turned out better than I thought it would. But even so there were some words that I felt I didn't sing very clearly. And since I was dancing and singing at the same time, I couldn't only focus on singing. I also had to pay attention to the movements and how it looked on the stage. The dancing affected my breathing and made it difficult to get enough air for my singing.
Anyway, I shouldn't make excuses for my performance. Basically, I just needed more practice and time to develop my maturity as a performer.
So, please give me some advice about this performance, and dont' just say nice things. If you only say good things then my head will get too big! hahaha.
(Thanks Mark for helping me translate my blog ... again ... I will study my English harder in the future. Mark is going back to my home-town with me tomorrow. i am sure that we can have alot fun there,okay ... its too late right now, the bus leaves tomorrow morning , so i have to go to sleep right now ... cheers !!! i wanna say "happy new year to everyone here ... thanks for the surpportting me !!! )
天下风云出我辈,一入江湖岁月催。 宏图霸业谈笑中,不胜人生一场醉。 吴迪的新浪微博:http://t.sina.com.cn/invincibleadi 工作邮箱E-mail:invinciblespear@gmail.com