These two videos are from the 2009 new year party of the Beijing sports of the demo we did is the wushu performence.the headmaster had me to sung that song again ... the song named " Jing Zhong Bao Guo".i think she likes it a lot !:-)
( Just wanna say thanks again to all my teammates who help me to finished the performence as well ... u all the best !!! )
这两个视频是我们在北京市体育局新年联会上的演出录像。其中一个,是武术表演。我们的石校长有让我唱了一次《精忠报国》,不知道她是不是特比喜欢这首歌,呵呵!(在这里要感谢我的教练和领导能给我这次锻炼的机会,同时也要感谢我的队友们,没有你们的精彩表现,就不会有那么热烈的掌声!谢谢你们!!!) Another video is the Pop dancing,i think from the video. we made a little bit least, we didn't make any mistake this time.but we truly need more time to practice our dance move...!maybe later ... haha.just wanna put up the video here to share with ya.hope u will like it ;-) 另一个节目还是我们跳过的那个街舞,这次我们有了一点点的小改动,当然这几天在练习中不断总结经验,有了一些小进步,不能说很好吧,至少这次在表演过程中没有什么大的失误。其实这个舞蹈还真的不容易,我们只有靠感觉很音乐去彼此配合,因为我们带的那个面具,直接就把眼睛挡住了,几乎什么都看不到。我们毕竟不是专业的舞蹈演员,所以对自己还是比较满意的,呵呵!希望大家也能够喜欢 :-)
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