"Gimme that" by wudi :-)
这是我在2008年北京体育大学才艺大赛上的表演,还是那首歌"Gimme that”,(我发现我可以拿出手来表演的也就只有这首歌了。呵呵)我平时不在体大那边上课,所以那边的学生和老师我都不怎么认识,这次表演是应我们大学团部书记的邀请,去那边做嘉宾。万万没有令我想到的是,我去了那边还真的有人认识我,呵呵!可能由于是“体育”大学,那边的音响设备不是很好。所以那天表演的现场效果一般。但是从同学们的呼喊声能听出来,我还是挺受欢迎的,呵呵!我觉得唱歌跳舞跟练武术一样,不练就是不行。好久没有练歌练舞了,动作没有以前跳起来顺。也就是将就着把这场演出演应付下来了...等全国比赛结束了吧,我会抽出更多的时间去练舞练歌。
Its "gimme that" again ... hehe !!! but This time i performed on the 2008 beijing sports university art competition . i am kind happy cause i was invited as a guest by the principal of my college. actully i am a student of beijing sports university , but i am not study there .i took my classes in another sports school which is called " Xian nng tan ti xiao". so i dont know much people there ... but what made me happy was when i went performance there ... they have alot poeple know me . and they scramed my name during the time when i performed . that was really moved me alot ... right here i wanna say " thank you very much for that " !!! i am really appreciated that u guys like me !!!
i think that whatever wushu , singing and dancing ... it all had the same point ! you ganna practice it alot if u wanna make it better ... i'v been training wushu and getting ready for the 2008 nationals competition so i didn't have the time to do other things ...too bad my singing and dancing is getting worst than before . but i have no choice ... i ganna wait , when the competition is done ... i will take some time off from my busy train , and do some thing else that what i like to do ... hehe ! i will practice singing dancing acting ... god so many stuff to do !!! but i will love to that ... cause i am this kind person dont wanna myself to be lazy !!! :-) and hopefully i can make my dreams become true by my hard practice !!!
BTW... i am really happy that we have more and more awsome artists sighing up on our site here. and they are really cool , everyone of them are master level artist ... Its my honour to be a artist on the website with them at the same time ... before i was kind shy to put up my imature singing videos here to share.but i'v changed my mind lately ... cause i am a professional wushu athlete . and my life is kind simple ... we dont have any singing master on the team who can help me with singing. so i think it must be a very good chance to learn tips from all the masters on our website ... besides that , i am just a student who trying to be better , what my afraid of ... right ??? so i put the performance video here to share with you people !!! and i hope there any of you who seeing this video ... then please leave ur comment here and please tell me what u think about the performance .that will be grateful to have ur words . hopefully i will improving more and more under ur help ... thanks alot !!!
天下风云出我辈,一入江湖岁月催。 宏图霸业谈笑中,不胜人生一场醉。 吴迪的新浪微博:http://t.sina.com.cn/invincibleadi 工作邮箱E-mail:invinciblespear@gmail.com