Time past so fast ... almost a year since last time i met shahaub . he is back !!!and he got a beautifull watch from the US ... i love it !!! thank you so much beothere !!!!
I got some friends Went for Japanese sushi again . then we hang out at the club of VICS untill the morning . god .... feel so tired ! but also got so much fun with my good friends !!! we should definite hang out again sometimes before i go out side of beijing !!!
按照惯例,我们又去吃了日本料理,然后去VICS嗨了一晚上。有朋自远方来,不亦乐乎。都是好哥们,见面哪能不喝点,一喝就收不住了!一直到早晨才出来。迎来一堆串场的朋友,送走一些疲惫的,整整忙了一夜。感觉好累啊,但是同时也快乐着!好久没有这样开心过了... 也许最近压力有点大吧!真的很需要空间把好些心烦的事情都忘掉...感谢你们,谢谢兄弟们陪我开心!
Its the dress i got for Reina :-)
this guy shahaub always make me wanna laugh ... i love ya bro !!!
We are the "PIMP" !!! haha ....
YO ... EVERY BODY !!! wait .... whose finger is that ?
YO... 来张合影吧,等一下...那是谁的中指 ???
天下风云出我辈,一入江湖岁月催。 宏图霸业谈笑中,不胜人生一场醉。 吴迪的新浪微博:http://t.sina.com.cn/invincibleadi 工作邮箱E-mail:invinciblespear@gmail.com