你喜欢那个吴迪 ??? Which wudi do you like better ???
这张照片是我曾经一度想要拍摄的一部短片的试验照。是我一个法国的好朋友翠花来北京的时候帮我拍的。之后在后海的一家酒吧闲聊之余,我突发奇想并想尝试根据这个照片把它编个小故事,并拍成电影短片,作为我的第一部电影练习用的小样。(我是个专业的武术运动员,平时训练很忙,基本上没有什么时间去学习什么其它的艺术科目,但是我又对表演很感兴趣,所以我想这必然将是我的一个很好的锻炼机会。)所以我们就一起写了个剧本出来,觉得很有意思。如果您看过了这张图片,过多也不用说了,我想您应该已经了解大概的内容了吧?是两个关于吴迪的故事!呵呵 ... 我知道在我们的网站上有很多非常优秀的制片人和导演,如果其中有哪位 “大师” 对我的这个创意想法感兴趣的,请与我联系。我将非常愿意的与您分享我在那张照片里的故事 ... 顺便想借此机会能够跟您们学习一些有关于电影的东西,请多多关照 ... 我将等待你的回应!!!
The picture was taken in February of the year.Photography and editting by Loan. which is a good friend of mine from France.we were planning to do a short film as well.and the picture we got here, is the test pic of our short film. we also wrote a pretty interested scrīpt together while she came to Beijing. but because the Olympic Games . we couldn't get the time to do it. and she went to Shanghai for her work.so my short film has been deferred ... as i knew . we have so many talented producers on our website. if there any of u who interesting of my short movie. please let me know ... i would like to share the story about what's ganna happen in that picture with you !!! i am looking forward to see ur reply and really wanna take a chance to learn more about movies with u masters !!! thank u so much ...
天下风云出我辈,一入江湖岁月催。 宏图霸业谈笑中,不胜人生一场醉。 吴迪的新浪微博:http://t.sina.com.cn/invincibleadi 工作邮箱E-mail:invinciblespear@gmail.com