I'v been to a KTV with my friends few days ago.which is named "beer club".i was kind drunk before we went there.so i don't really remember the location is.but there something was funny ... there is a light shine down from the top of the room.and my friend ZK was trying to make some fun with it.so he had my camera( Panasonic FZ28 ) and took some photos of me under the light . i think they are pretty good pics though ... DO YOU LIKE IT ???
前一阵在赛区的时候,跟几个一起比赛的好哥哥们去KTV唱歌。我们进屋的时候,发现屋里有一盏灯是从屋顶照射到地上的。大家当时都有点小醉,所以借酒劲拍起照片来。大冷的天儿,我也疯了一样把衣服脱了,哈哈!!!大秀我那几块小腹肌 ...!!!拍完了我竟然都忘了我还有这些照片了。回到北京整理照片的时候才发现。其实这几张照片拍的还不错,这得归功于我的好哥哥“赵坤”(全国武术冠军)。他也是个摄影爱好者。特别巧的是他用的相机跟我的是一摸一样的(松下FZ28)!虽然我的身材没有那么好,但是光看照片的结构和角度,我感觉还不错。 你喜欢吗???
天下风云出我辈,一入江湖岁月催。 宏图霸业谈笑中,不胜人生一场醉。 吴迪的新浪微博:http://t.sina.com.cn/invincibleadi 工作邮箱E-mail:invinciblespear@gmail.com