Official Artist
Jade Xu
Actor , Martial Arts, Wrestling or Boxing , Sports Coach
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Beijing 2008 - Xu Huihui's Daoshu Video

Hi my dear friends and fans of AnD! With pleasure I want to share with you "my dream" of Wushu Tournament -Beijing 2008!! This is my Daoshu (Broadsword) video,in some days I will add my Gunshu (Stick) video,then you don't have to miss it! Hope you will like it!

亲爱的AnD朋友和fans你们好! 在这儿想和你们 一起分享这次在北京2008武术比赛的梦!! 这是我的 刀术 比赛录像, 过几天会加上我的棍术比赛, 到时候可不要错过噢~希望大家会喜欢!


over 16 years ago 0 likes  3 comments  0 shares
Photo 56915
I don't know why they take off the video..sigh! I heard from some friends that had the same problem, about the copyright for the olympics, but i can't understand...the video is mine, and it's myself competiting there...uhmmm...sad! Why there are still online some other videos like mv about beijing 2008 that ppl just download from somewhere? or like some cctv reportage? I don't understand...
about 16 years ago


JADE Xu Huihui is a Martial Arts Actress and Multiple World Wushu Champion! www.jadexu.com

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February 4, 2008