Hi my dear friends and fans of AnD! With pleasure I want to share with you "my dream" of Wushu Tournament -Beijing 2008!! This is my Daoshu (Broadsword) video,in some days I will add my Gunshu (Stick) video,then you don't have to miss it! Hope you will like it!
亲爱的AnD朋友和fans你们好! 在这儿想和你们 一起分享这次在北京2008武术比赛的梦!! 这是我的 刀术 比赛录像, 过几天会加上我的棍术比赛, 到时候可不要错过噢~希望大家会喜欢!
JADE Xu Huihui is a Martial Arts Actress and Multiple World Wushu Champion! www.jadexu.com