Yuey Tan
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Driver - Yuey Tan: Marshalls were dazed and confused

The 2010 PCCA Round in Beijing was filled with commotion, and confusion amongst the circuit operators, and the flag marshals.

“Everything went completely wrong during this GP. It was not worthy of a Porsche Carrera Cup Asia round and I expect better from what we call, the Premire Racing Series in Asia. It is true that the best drivers in this region drive here, but with this type of these problems, things will be put into question,” Tan said.

Race 4 of the PCCA season, and the second race at the Beijing weekend, saw new series driver, Shim Ching, lose his car before the back straight. The inexperienced marhsals let the race continue for 2 laps, before flags were even deployed. The PCCA field were running at race pace with a parked car in a dangerous location. This was not the ideal situation, and could have ended up very nasty for some drivers involved. For the remaining two laps of the race, a mixture of yellow and green flags were deployed around the danger zone, in a space of a few hundred metres.

“The yellow and green flag thing was very confusing. It was like watching a bunch of 8 year olds trying to call offside at a football match. It just didn’t work.”

Yuey Tan also continued by saying that, “I answered questions about the huge amount of cars being dangerous on the Goldenport Circuit. It’s dangerous. But I didn’t anticipate idiot marshals. What is even more insane is that the marshals don’t know what they are doing. It looks as if some have not received any training at all. The safety car was driven so slowly by its driver, that the race engines started to overheat behind it. It’s simply appalling.”

The opinionated driver concluded by offering a rough solution. “Motorsport needs to be in the hands of a standard governing body that can keep close tabs on them. A regulation body to regulate the regulation body. Circuit officials and firms should be be held to answer for these issues. These issues have no soft political approach to it. If one day, something very bad happens, how can the clock be turned back for the poor sod in that accident? The safety briefing conducted by the very experienced Beijing circuit curator, was terrible. None of the drivers could see it, and some of the rules seemed rather peculiar.”

During the start of race 1, there was also plenty of confusion as the field lined up on the grid. Wimobilize squad driver, Danny Chu, was also on the pitwall looking on. “There were girls running everywhere trying to find their grid slot as the cars came in to line up for the race!”

The next PCCA round will be held in China once again, this time in Zhuhai. This will be the third race in a row, held in China, after the season began in Shanghai and ran to Beijing.

“It’s pretty obvious what goes on here from a drivers perspective. The Chinese have a different type of economy to the Germans. There is a large cultural difference between the two countries and unfortunately, it is China that we enter, and it is China that make the rules. Porsche needs to understand this,” concluded Tan.

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June 10, 2008