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Yuey Tan
Driver / Auto-racing
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T1 carnage causes massive damage

n a race that had everything from epic crashes, safety cars, injuries and a graveyard of smashed Carrera cup cars, a massive 11 cars of the PCCA field did not finish.

"What can I say. It was a really disappointing day. We started off pretty damn awesome, Christian and I making our way up the field before coming into turn 1. Then when we arrived, Raggi (Martin Ragginger) was already spun around by an incident that involved Huang. When I came through, I had no way of knowing he was there, and smashed into him and pretty high speed. Our damages were not good."

In a race that displayed carnage to the point of pain, Huang Chu Han  started off a chain of events as he braked late into T1, taking off Ho Pin Tung, and Martin Ragginger. As a result, Tan and Christina Chia came into the apex, causing a big hit to Ragginger once again.

"I feel bad for Raggi. The poor guy had nothing to do with any of this, just like Christian and I. It was really quite unfortunate and extremely unnecessary. It could have been avoided and now there is hundreds of thousands of euros worth of damage across the grid. Its pretty mad."

Just behind this incident, another unforgettable accident was just on the horizon, starting with Ma Chi Min overtaking some 5 cars into T1 and braking late with two wheels on the grass.

"Damn we were bloody lucky here. I saw the angles on Christian's on-board camera from front and back. So I saw our accident and also what happened behind us. I think if Dr. Ma didn't lose it on the grass, Christian and I would have a lot more damage to deal with."

Tan will start more or less off the back of the grid tomorrow, with a very mixed grid that promises more action.

" Action will be a lot tomorrow for sure. I hope that we can keep it a lot cleaner than today, because these massive accidents are not good for teams, drivers and the series. No one wants it around the sport, and I hope we can finish clean tomorrow."

over 12 years ago 0 likes  4 comments  0 shares
45862083 0af2fd4d5d
doh! do they have insurance for this kind of stuff?
over 12 years ago
Photo 93754
G'day mate! There is but most teams don't have it. This is because if you average it out, insurance always costs loads more than damage. Normally!
over 12 years ago
45862083 0af2fd4d5d
well i guess you guys have a spare body panels, etc on hand?
over 12 years ago
Photo 93754
Yep! It raced the next day. Not quite as quickly though!
over 12 years ago


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